
How to Neutralize the Grim Reaper………Live Now

If there is one thing I have noticed in life, it is that in death, we go it alone.  Millionaire, pauper, movie star, criminal, politician, blue-collar worker, and everything in between.  There will come a day we will all draw our last breath and everything we were in our lifetime will be left behind as we cross-over to whatever is waiting on the other side.

I share this bit of cheery news because in as much as in our demise we will go it alone, there is so much to take advantage of while we are here.  I’m shocked at how many times I read people’s comments that they are dealing with whatever they are dealing with…….all alone.  My questions is……why?

There are so many places to turn in the online community as well as resources galore right where you live.  Whether you want friends or are seeking information for dealing with your child’s diabetes, help is out there.  The catch is, you have to ask for it.

I know many people who have found the love of their life on a dating site.  So many have shared that they had huge doubts when they started but they took the chance and now, well many are happier than they have ever been.  I honestly believe that there is not a question you can have about anything that you cannot find the answer by someone in the online community.

Now due diligence states you must include your medical professional in your dialogue regarding health and there are many cautionary steps in reaching out to the online community but far and large, it is the greatest resource under the sun.  If you accept that there is a chance you will run across someone who is just a troll and that some people thrive on just causing controversy, and you can recognize those types, you will find that the place called the internet is one heckofa resource.

Want to help but do not know (or trust) a charity?  Chances are someone you know is doing a fund-raiser for a cause, a disease, someone in need.  If you spend your time just giving to these online fundraising efforts, you will feel pretty good each week knowing you made a difference in helping a friend hit their goal.

So when you are feeling pretty low and are trying to shake yourself off a funk, you probably do not have to go further than your lap top to start on a road of feeling better.  It’s bad enough that whatever we have we cannot take with us, at least find some happiness today because today you can do something about it. Worse case scenario, go to YouTube and search for puppies, kittens, or goats.  You will find your smile again.

I am a diabetes dad.
Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

3 replies on “How to Neutralize the Grim Reaper………Live Now”

You tube puppies? Cats? hey dont forget thsoe lovable Snakes, Lizards, Aardvarks and Frogs. Ok, Aardvarks are not lovable, I think, who knows maybe they are.

I Regardless hte message is good, and I needed it today. Thanks Tom.

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