
What Are We Waiting For?

How long have you been at this diabetes thing? I mean, maybe you are not REALLY in this fight, but are on the sidelines, does that sound familiar? Perhaps it’s because your child has this disease and you do not really have to do the battles, could that be it? There are always many others to pick up and continue this fight?

This fight? What does that mean? Everyday is a fight. Everyday is a chance that diabetes will win. Fight for what? To only fight again on the tomorrows that will always come? To have to do battle with everything from a disease, to an insurance company, to doctor’s office, to a list of family memebers who still, after so many years, do not have a clue what is like to share a household with diabetes.

The fight to find a cure? You know the cure that’s only five years away. It’s why people choose not to get involved. Why should we? Pharma companies are only hiding the cure; what good is one voice? Pharma companies rule everything, we stand no chance, why bother? The pain is just so much when one fights a lost cause, why bother?

Why give of one’s time, money, resources, connections, and or another ounce of whatever we have left…….why bother?

Listen for a moment…….hear that……..that sound of nothing you hear is what happens when no one does anything.


Well I believe differently. I believe one should “never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Think about that statement……..Margaret Mead’s words of “… fact it is the only thing that ever has.”

And the world changed. And it will again, and again, and again, but only as long as someone stands up and says that the norm will just not do. This is not easy. It’s hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it but everyone can’t. The don’t have a child with diabetes. How could they understand if they do not live it? They can’t! You can. You live it. If you do not make this world a better place for your child living with type 1 diabetes; I have a question for you, who will?

Be part of that small group. If you need inspiration, look at your child’s face while they sleep, many have lost their child to this disease while they slept. Yours will wake up tomorrow. What will you do to nake it a better place? Don’t asks someone what they think, look in the mirror and ask that person what they think? Don’t let that person in the mirror out of your sight until an answer is given. Let’s ride into hell together for that heavenly cause!

Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has. Think about it!
I am a diabetes dad.
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