

November is over. Did you miss it? Did you do something for diabetes awareness month? Did you need a reminder that diabetes is in your household?

I get it. So many believe in the ability to celebrate a good life despite/in spite of living with diabetes. A time to let the world know, and help diabetes awareness, for an entire month. What a concept.

Not to me. November is the same as its 11 colleagues that make up a year. I celebrate, educate, advocate, and hopefully inspire (a little) 365 days a year. Telling someone who lives with diabetes that there is a month totally dedicate to diabetes awareness, the answer you will most likely hear is, “Thanks but no thanks—-I live with it 365 days a year.”

It’s nice that some roll out diabetes awareness month as is done with holiday decorations and celebrations. But in truth, we choose to celebrate our kids every day, a special month is not needed. What our kids do all year round is worthy to celebrate all year round.

It’s nice that some roll out the advocacy for diabetes causes during the month of November. But in truth, we choose to fight for the rights of those living with this disease every day we can. Insulin costs, rights, and the ability to have what everyone else has gets a full court press all year.

As I stated it earlier…..I get it……I really do. Blue, new, you, and what’s due are the voices loud and clear. Let’s just push as hard all year long. No matter how small or how large, “just don’t do nothin”—-but do it all year long.

I am a diabetes dad.
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