
We Will All Need Help at Some Time…..A Story that Will Warm Your Heart.

Girls softballIt will happen.  No matter how good we think we are, no matter how hard we work at it, there will come a time that you will need help along the way.  Bet on it.  If not yet, it will happen.  Because everything we deal with is life, and life is every thing we deal with on a daily basis.

I have included a video today (I like to do that) and it is only about two minutes long.  It is one of the ultimate situations when someone accepts help from a an incredibly unexpected source.  It is a reflection of how the human spirit should be in dealing with one another.

Let it serve as a reminder of two things.  One, that people can surprise you at any given time and two, when someone offers you help………take it.  Because sometimes a helping hand is there, but we just don’t notice it.

I saw this video a few years ago.  interesting that participants are long graduated into life, but on this day, on this date in time; they created something that they will never forget; a lesson for all of us.

Click the picture above to see a short video of one incredible group of young ladies.

I am a diabetes dad.

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