
November 14th I Get; Can We Make the 13th Diabetes Appreciation Day?????

BillboardGo get a piece of paper and a pen.
(I’ll wait.)
Are you back?   Good.

Now start to list everything you do in your day not having to do with diabetes, and not having to do with you, but what you did for someone else.   In other words, “I took a shower” does not count.

Now add to that list everything you do while dealing with diabetes.
(I’ll wait, write fast)

If you did this list you would realize how long it is.  What we do, as parents, is pretty detailed.  Add to the mix our diabetes world, it is truly amazing that it all gets done, don’t you think?  As we go through diabetes awareness month, realize the most important thing………you?

Take a $50 bill and paint it blue, or draw a blue circle on it, and take it and get your nails done or your hair done or go to the movies.  Take ‘something diabetes’ by making it blue and spend it…….on you.

The purpose? So we each realize that he most important thing to know in our diabetes world that with out……well……’us’……nothing would have ‘gotten’ done.  This month is about awareness, right?  Who better to be aware than ourselves.  You know, the forgotten one.  The ones who just truck along and get done what we have to because we love the person who battles this disease every day.

Perhaps on just one day, say the 13th the day before the ACTUAL diabetes Awareness Day of November 14th (which is also the birthday of Dr. Banting of Banting and Best who discovered Insulin) and make that Diabetes Appreciation Day where every person with diabetes sends a note to the parents or loved one who watches your back.

“Hey just a note to say how much I appreciate my guardian angel(s).  Thank you, I love you.”  Send it on November 13th…….Not such a bad idea……right?  Of course it will be on the 13th—-thirteen just makes sense too if you think about it.

Of course none of us do it for any thanks, we do it because we must.  We do it with love.  We’ll do it until the day a cure comes along.  We have to, it’s what we do.  So even if we do not receive any thanks on November 13th, let’s do something JUST FOR US like get a haircut with a blue bill, at least we will look good checking blood sugars at 3:00 am……we deserve that at least, I’m sure.

I am a diabetes dad.

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