
She Very Well May Save Your Life…..Read…..and more important…..SHARE!

Meri 2She didn’t have to write this.

She did not have to be so honest and truthful.

What she went through, is none of our business.

What she goes through she shares.

To feel sorry for her?  Not in her make-up. AT ALL.

To feel her pain?  Nope.

To display her hardship?  Haven’t seen that yet.

She writes to teach.  She writes to make us feel again.  She writes to make us appreciate the things in life we would normally let by us.

Today she writes…………to save your life.

Read this and learn; one life was too many.  It was half of hers as they were one like no other I have ever learned about.

I have nothing more to say but thank you Meri,  thank you.

YOU!!!!!!!….read this: It may save your life 

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

4 replies on “She Very Well May Save Your Life…..Read…..and more important…..SHARE!”

I am humbled by your kind words, Tom. Thank you. And thank you especially for sharing this. You are right, one life was too many. Ryan was way too many. The last thing I ever wanted was to have another cause other then diabetes…but for whatever reason, I have been given this one too. We can’t prevent Type 1 Diabetes right now, but we can prevent deaths from Melanoma. I urge your readers to take a minute to watch the video on my blog. It really could, as you say, save their life.

Thanks again for getting the word out, friend!

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