Once again, Karen Graffeo, who blogs at Bittersweet Diabetes is hosting Diabetes Blog Week. The fifth annual Diabetes Blog Week will take place from May 12th through May 18th. So Here I am……willing and able. Today’s topic: What am I passionate about? As many know, I have many different passions when it comes to diabetes. In no […]
Our kids are truly amazing, are they not? I am struck this morning about a story, or more of a happening, that a good friend of mine has gone through this week. It is not enough that this woman’s job has her putting her own life on the line for us each and every day, […]
I was amazed how many people responded to yesterday’s article about ‘diabetes meltdown’. As I read so many responses, I noticed an underlying thread in so many that I wanted to share my thoughts today. The constant denominator that I noticed was the question on how far is one permitted to go in caring for a child […]
It happens. In all sorts of varying degrees, but at some time or another our children will decide that they do not want diabetes anymore. More than just ‘not want it’, they will decide that they do not want to do anything to take care of it. In some it is for a day or […]
Once again, the parents were ahead of the curve. For the past few years there has been a trend in the numbers of young people being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. There was no official word, it was coming from the mouths of parents. “Yet another one was diagnosed, it just seems that it is […]
One of my favorite plays is Our Town by Thornton Wilder. “We all know that something is eternal. And it ain’t houses and it ain’t names, and it ain’t earth, and it ain’t even the stars . . . everybody knows in their bones that something is eternal, and that something has to do with human […]