
Halloween and Diabetes….Be Afraid…..Be VERY Afraid……REALLY? Nope. Boo.

From three years ago and updated but still a treat (get it?)…..enjoy.  Happy Halloween. Within the next week will be Halloween. Halloween means so much to kids. Our kids with diabetes are no exception. I remember when Kaitlyn was younger and many neighbors bought stickers and toys for Kaitlyn; “…I did not know what to […]


Clean it Out of the Closet—For Me; Frustration…..You????

This week is Diabetes Blog Week, the brainchild of Karen Graffeo at and is the sixth year it has taken place.  Many writers taking-on the same topic…….but with a different take.  Very cool idea……thanks for the opportunity Karen. Today–Day 3: What is in your diabetic closet that needs to be cleaned out?  This can be […]


DIABETES BLOG WEEK: Keep it to Yourself – Tuesday 5/12

DAY 2 TOPIC: Many of us share lots of aspects of our diabetes lives online for the world to see.  What are some of the aspects of diabetes that you choose to keep private from the internet?  Or from your family and friends?  Why is it important to keep it to yourself?  This is not […]


Why Do Some Have Wonderful Doctors…..While Others……..??????

Did you ever ask yourself why others seem to have the doctor from diabetes’ heaven and others leaves you scratching your head?  In my years, I have never been able to figure why there are such differences out there, but there are.  But it is not always just about the doctor. What I do know. […]


Buying Diabetes Devices???? Don’t Be So Quick….It’s a Business.

No matter what decision may be facing you in this diabetes world, know this; the decision has been made before by others.  Is anything really that new and/or so unique in this world?  If the connection of social media has taught us anything, it has taught us that someone out there has gone through what we […]


A Crucial Diabetes Supply—-the Checklist…..Do You Use One????

Wherever and whenever you deal with diabetes supplies—the last important supply YOU SHOULD ALWAYS pack is a check list.  How many times have you gone to the school at the end of the school year to pick up the remaining supplies only to hear, “No that was not here.”? Instant tension. It’s not intentional but remember there are […]