
Discipline, Diabetes, & Boundaries…….Thin Line; But a Line None-the-less.

I said the same thing to each of my children once they obtained their license;  “if you tell me you are going to be home at 12:00 midnight and it is 12:01 am and you have not called, I will think you are dead in a ditch someplace.  That’s drastic I know, but that’s what […]


You Can Rest Assured…..a Storm WILL ARRIVE.

There’s a storm coming.  If you live on the east coast and you did not see the weather report (for whatever reason THAT would happen, I have no idea), you would know a storm was coming because you cannot find bread or milk on any grocery shelves.  That’s what people ‘do here’ when a storm […]


Pump Malfunctions??…..Do You Panic?……There’s Just No Need To!!!!

A man stands at the bottom of a stopped escalator.  Not a long escalator, mind you, just normal-one-floor type.  His face is red with anger as the escalator comes to a stop. “I cannot believe this, I’m so late.” There is a little boy behind him who says, “A broken escalator is just a staircase.” […]


Diabetes Tunes…..Do You have an Antagonist?

When I was much younger, I was a huge cartoon lover.  I used to watch and see how often, during a chase scene, the background repeated itself.  I could tell you a really good cartoon (usually WB) from a real ‘hokey one’.  There were a few constants in these cartoons that I have come to […]


Only Teaching Ourselves Misses a HUGE Point

The world around us.  Asking for advice is a wonderful thing.  At the touch of a finger you can seek a number of responses from novice to professional.  Advice. Inquiry.  Fact.  You want it, you can find it right online. But when it comes to education, do we need to move beyond the outreach of […]


Missed Diagnosed Adult—–Just One Incredible Story!!!!

Yesterday I discussed the missed-diagnosis of diabetes in adults and many were willing to share their stories.  The one I share with you today really stuck in my mind.  I share it as I received it with the exception, in fair disclosure, that there was medication mentioned and I deleted the type/name and indicated such in the […]