
93,936 Hours….To Be Ready at ANY Given Moment. The Expired Glucagon Dry Run!

Every hour that ‘ticks’ by each and every day; we have to be ready to grab the emergency glucagon.   When this one expired, Jill left it for me, which means she took the last one, and used it ‘to practice’.  Practice. She has written the note numerous times since September 26th, 1992.  We sort of have […]


There’s Hot….and There’s Diabetes Hot……..Be Prepared This Summer

Summer. Well here it comes fast and furious.  Blockbuster movies, warmer weather, HOT weather, graduating seniors, beach trips, summer trips, and…………diabetes. Those of us with experience know the many pitfalls surrounding heat and the havoc it can play on blood glucose numbers and diabetes.  There is hot, and there is ‘diabetes hot’. Both hot weather and […]