
Truly Deserving People in the Name of One Incredible Lisa

14 Years is a long time. This is year 14 that I have bestowed the Lisa Award on some deserving people in the diabetes world.  14 years ago since my dear friend and wife of my Little Brother (from another mother but just as close as a real brother) Mark, has left this world.  You […]


T1D; Could Not a Cure Just be a REALLY Useful Management Tool?

Since the day I walked away from my acting career, I have spent almost my entire professional life in the “diabetes space”.  I made a promise to my two kids that I would stay at this until a cure is found.  But cure is both a relative and loaded term. I, too, was severely ‘duped’ […]


We Need to be Dancing for a Cure……We cannot let it Fade from Existence

I read the following statement recently: CGM technology has reached a point where it’s now the standard for glucose measurement. Just in case you have been living in a luxury oasis somewhere, you probably know that a CGM is a Continuous Glucose Monitor.  A device worn that checks an individual’s blood glucose constantly (different timing […]


Should Diabetes Ever Be Given Space in our New Year Resolutions?

Resolution? Usually, by the end of January, any resemblance of a made resolution of early January has disappeared in my life.  I really wish I was better at keeping them.  I always found it interesting when I hear someone with T1D say that their resolution is to ‘do better’ and lower their A1C.  Let’s be […]



November is over. Did you miss it? Did you do something for diabetes awareness month? Did you need a reminder that diabetes is in your household? I get it. So many believe in the ability to celebrate a good life despite/in spite of living with diabetes. A time to let the world know, and help […]


Two Moms Change Our Diabetes World

It amazes me sometimes when media skips something so crucial to our diabetes world. Nothing would make me happier than when this story is read, media sources who are so much more significant that my little column here reach out to these two women for the simple reason; their story needs to be read, seen, […]