
Let’s Try to Extinguish at Least ONE Blue Candle……You In?

Blue flame extinguishedYesterday was an incredible day.   Sad.  But incredible none-the-less.   People responded, people offered help, and people said “I am ready”. 

After reading what so many shared were ‘close calls’, and also reading that more needs to be done than just write about it; I would like to ask people to do the following: 
1. Please write down your story and send/email it to me at
2. Please include a picture of your child.
3. By doing so you are agreeing for the story to be shared in Washington.
4. In the subject, write “My Story” so I know what it is.
5. If YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE who stated that you are heading to Washington and are willing to share the stories of those who had close calls or lost this battle;  email me and write Washington in the subject line.

I will connect those who are going to DC with those who send me the stories.

To those who have graciously stated they will bring the stories to DC; PLEASE MAKE SURE you work through the details of the organization sponsoring the trip that your efforts are part of their agenda and not contrary to what they are asking you to do. 

So we will do something.  Those who bring the stories with them to Washington will let me know what happened and I will share with you. 

To those going to DC: We want the stories told but we also want action.  Ask those congressional and senate leaders you meet with who can help with a policy change to, at the very least, help us learn who can lead the way in getting something as simple as a urine test implemented in these such cases.

To all: we can talk, discuss, and vent alone or we can act.  Please share this with others.  I choose to ‘not do nothing’… you?

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

6 replies on “Let’s Try to Extinguish at Least ONE Blue Candle……You In?”

This is a close call for my son 3 months ago near death 1800 BG , ph level of 7 and lost 7 lbs in 2 days. Picture says it all when you see his photo. Sunken eyes , skin was so horribly dried and then yet the ER sent us home no testing done despite my son has other endocrine problem. It was a miracle my son survive just a matter of hours and he would have died.

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