
Do You Dance?


Every summer thousands of young ladies attempt to be part of the Rockettes Super Intensive (RSI) program.  “Super”–beyond the norm.  More intense than intense.

Those who are accepted are challenged to push beyond their limits of dance endurance.  Dare I say even ‘breathing endurance’.   And when they are finished…..they are challenged to push themselves even harder.  They push and push and maybe, perhaps, they might even be asked to audition for the actual Rockette line.

Their sweat pushes off their bodies and the unrelenting instructor pushes the timing, the quickness, and of course that world-famous precision.

Discipline and strength beyond human endurance just to get a feel what it is like to be ‘that’ precise; ‘that’ good, and full of ‘that’ much confidence…..all in one week to feel a little like a Rockette.   Thousands want it, few get the opportunity.

Would we ever take our (or our children’s) diabetes ‘that’ seriously?  Rockettes Super Intensive seriously?

And in this RSI session is a young lady named Lauren.  She wants to be a Rockette so badly she can taste the idea of becoming one.  And yet, she is part of RSI and she IS DOING it with type 1 diabetes.  How serious do you think she must be with her diabetes?  

Today I’m humbled.  Her story is an incredible one, she is a young lady but she is a child too.  People with diabetes are incredible; they do everything with the intensity of a Rockette; they have to–the kickline of their lives depend on it.

I’m a Diabetesdad.

2 replies on “Do You Dance?”

As a type 1 diabetic I have to appreciate the generosity of your comparison here, but I also feel a need to state that it’s simply wrong. Your basic premise that diabetes is always present is obviously correct–diabetes doesn’t take a break or go on vacation, and it certainly does require daily management and can demand attention at inconvenient times. It’s not a condition that anybody would wish for and it’s certainly not something to jump for joy about having.

BUT…diabetics aren’t crippled by diabetes and we can and do lead perfectly fulfilling, successful and enjoyable lives in spite of it. Rockettes have to train for hours each day. They have to focus intently on their training and can’t take a break whenever they feel like it to do something more enjoyable. No matter what other problems are part of their lives, they have to ignore them while training and performing to focus on the task directly in front of them. Diabetes isn’t like this!! On some level it’s always at the back of our minds, but it’s not consuming hours of our days and demanding our full attention throughout our lives–if it were we simply wouldn’t have as many unique and amazing diabetics as we do! If being diabetic were even remotely comparable to being a Rockette, you wouldn’t see so many fantastic diabetic teachers, doctors, lawyers, scientists, authors or engineers. You wouldn’t have a diabetic Rockette or a diabetic NFL quarterback. It simply wouldn’t be possible if diabetes required the dedication and effort that becoming a Rockette demands. I get it, diabetes is always part of our lives and we need to pay attention to it each and every day…but we sure can do an awful lot while successfully managing it and it’s not nearly as time-intensive and all-consuming as your entry might imply.

Dear JS,
Thank you for writing. My post IS NOT a comparison in any shape or form. I highlighted the young lady to show the very point that you make and that is people with diabetes CAN do anything. When I asked the question about taking diabetes ‘that’ seriously; my point was only food for thought. I tout frequently about how in awe I am of what my children accomplish and accomplish with diabetes. Read one of my articles I entitled ‘Life with and Asterisk’
People with diabetes DO dance with the Rockettes and DO play professional footbal (Jay Cutler). Not everyone has THAT positive attitude which is why I write about it—to inspire others to reach the great heights that I know people with diabetes can do and DO do every day. Thanks for writing.

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