
“Every Time I Hear the Music, I Just Have to Dance.” A Wonderful CWD Lesson for ALL of Us.

A Ceilidh, by definition, is a traditional Gaelic social gathering, which usually involves playing Gaelic folk music and dancing and was started in Ireland and Scotland. It was probably made famous in the movie Titanic when Jack takes Rose to ‘his’ party in the deck below. It was the better party. CWD had their version last […]


PLEASE Let These Wonderful People Know How Grateful we, as a Diabetes Community, are for their Efforts!!!!!!!

Welcome.  Here is your ticket to enter a fabulous world.  I am absolutely exhausted.  I am absolutely exhilarated.  I am absolutely thrilled.  For the past few months, we Suffolk County LIONs Diabetes Education Foundation members have been working on a project to raise money to do what we do to help people with diabetes.  Yesterday we […]


Do You Dance?

  Every summer thousands of young ladies attempt to be part of the Rockettes Super Intensive (RSI) program.  “Super”–beyond the norm.  More intense than intense. Those who are accepted are challenged to push beyond their limits of dance endurance.  Dare I say even ‘breathing endurance’.   And when they are finished…..they are challenged to push themselves even harder.  They […]