
NEWSBREAK: The Story of (Kisses for) Kycie; from her Mom and Dad

Elizabeth Stein was diagnosed with T1D at age 10.  Elizabeth did not like to dance, Elizabeth LOVED to dance.  In 2000, as a neighborhood fundraiser in her Orlando community, she created Dancing for Diabetes.  Diabetes would stop her…..from nothing. Elizabeth holds her event every November, this year’s being number 16, to better the awareness of diabetes.  I will […]


PLEASE Let These Wonderful People Know How Grateful we, as a Diabetes Community, are for their Efforts!!!!!!!

Welcome.  Here is your ticket to enter a fabulous world.  I am absolutely exhausted.  I am absolutely exhilarated.  I am absolutely thrilled.  For the past few months, we Suffolk County LIONs Diabetes Education Foundation members have been working on a project to raise money to do what we do to help people with diabetes.  Yesterday we […]