
T.G.I. F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever)–a Man who Just Will NOT Give Up.


There is a man I know.  It is hard for me to write about him because my eyes swell up with tears every time I try.

I have been at this for over twenty years.  Every time I see someone or meet someone who I have not seen active in a while I ask them how have they been? 
The answers go something like this:  “Oh you know, we got burned out.”  or “we just were too involved for so long.” or “it became the same ‘ol thing.”  Always they tell me the why.

Now listen to me carefully. 

This man has been at this much longer than my twenty years.  He has never, for not ONE SECOND, stopped challenging those who need it including himself.  He has followed his heart where he puts his resources, his time, and places his money.  He continually stays active raising over a million dollars annually–A YEAR; continually searches the world for what’s new in diabetes management and for a cure; and continually connects those who need to be connected; for one reason—-his daughter Andrea.

He, along with his wife Marie, are the living proof of quitting only when their daughter has that capability.  Ever the one to pass off the credit, he has stated on more than one occasion, “I have to do this.  This is for my daughter.  What amazes me are those people who do this because they know someone like me who have a loved one with diabetes and they themselves have no connection.  THEY do not have to do his–that amazes me each time I think about it.”

People have asked me where I come up with some of my sayings like “I’ll quit when my children have that chance” or “in it to end it.”  I learned by watching this one man for the entire time I have been at this.  He sets the bar high and he leads by example.   His name is Charlie Rizzo and I love him, his wife, and everything they are more dearly than anyone will ever know.  I could NEVER thank him enough in a lifetime.

He knows not the meaning of burn out…..and all of us should learn by Charlie and Maire’s example.

Take a bow my dear friend………you are Diabetesdad’s T.G.I.F

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