
Hurricane Sandy and Diabetes……..

Hurricane Sandy hit with a fury of which the likes have never been seen here on Long Island. 

Our neighbors in New Jersey, Staten Island, Queens, NYC, and parts of Connecticut were also hugely hit by this incredibly unforgiving storm.

The flow of water connected bay to ocean and literally cut Fire Island into further Islands that if the Army Corp of Engineers cannot fix, will have a life-long impact on Long Island’s mainland.  Friends and neighbors alike have been crushed by the force….so many of us are doing what we can to help.

In all of this, as far as those with diabetes, something was missing. 

As many people know, I have been very active in hurricane relief when it comes to getting diabetes supplies to some sort of boots-on-the-ground force helping others.  In many cases it is with members of LIONs International who literally are in every part of the world imaginable. 

In some cases we were able to get hundreds of people diabetes supplies to last them for some time until a recovery could be made. 

In the horrible aftermath with many deaths, the one call that did not come was the need for diabetes supplies.  Many people in the online community, great as they all are, reached out to me to ask; “What are the needs?”  But interestingly enough with the amount of hospitals in existence on Long Island and in the tri-state area; much medical needs were tended to and taken care of fairly quickly. 

SO many sources came back to me stating, as far as diabetes supplies, we are doing okay and no urgent needs have been requested. 

The place is a wreck and will take a long time to recover; at least the need for diabetes supplies was not on a crucial must need basis…….a bullet gladly dodged; this time. 

Thanks to all who inquired. 

I’m a diabetesdad.

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