
Kids from Connecticut Teach All of US!!!!!!

One of the most fascinating aspects of what I do is the people I meet.  People never cease to amaze me in how they act, what they say, and what they do.  So many choose to sit back and play the sidelines and many live by; “don’t do nothing”.  It’s these people who constantly humble me […]


Tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut—DO NOT GIVE the Gunman Attention…PLEASE!

I am so angry. Right before the holidays; 27 dead and 18 are children in a shooting at Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. (Reports changing and ongoing)  Seems a 22 caliber rifle was used.  Grades K-4. (Right before I published this story–CNN is reporting the number of those dead is not as high as the number […]


Hurricane Sandy and Diabetes……..

Hurricane Sandy hit with a fury of which the likes have never been seen here on Long Island.  Our neighbors in New Jersey, Staten Island, Queens, NYC, and parts of Connecticut were also hugely hit by this incredibly unforgiving storm. The flow of water connected bay to ocean and literally cut Fire Island into further Islands […]