
Tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut—DO NOT GIVE the Gunman Attention…PLEASE!

I am so angry.

Right before the holidays; 27 dead and 18 are children in a shooting at Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. (Reports changing and ongoing)  Seems a 22 caliber rifle was used.  Grades K-4.
(Right before I published this story–CNN is reporting the number of those dead is not as high as the number originally reported—again this is ongoing and changing)

On and off duty police rushed to the scene as 9-1-1 calls came in.

One gunmen is dead and another, off-site, person arrested.(unconfirmed)  Reports changing every minute.

I sat to write an incredibly positive story today when the first reports came over.  I am so sick—this is insane.

It leaves me to write the following:  First and foremost how much our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to those impacted by this tragedy.

Second: TO THE MEDIA: DO NOT, PLEASE DO NOT give this madman the attention by splattering his picture all over the place.  His life/death is not worthy of the ink that will be used.  Anything other than just stating his name will lay the groundwork for someone else to ‘out-do’ this insane act.

Your children will have questions in this world of fast-paced media.  Let your children talk it out with you, and let them say what they need to; speak to YOUR school counselors if you need to—this impact will be further than this community impacted directly.

Our prayers go out to all involved.

I am a diabetesdad



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