
A Personal Announcement…….(if I May be Allowed) :)

I share much with you all and today is purely GREAT news.

I am so happy to announce that our son, TJ, became engaged yesterday to Joelle Wilk, who also lives on Long Island.

It was a completely traditional ‘ask’ as they say.  TJ came to us over the weekend, we cried with happiness; he then went and talked with Joelle’s dad, asking for his blessings (which he got), and he did the whole down-on-one-knee ‘thing’ on Thanksgiving Day.

Joelle is a great woman.  She is strong, sensitive, smart, and she too serves our community as an EMT CC responder (volunteer) and she works in a local hospital as a Oneirologist (that is in the Sleep Apnea field).  She is just perfect for TJ and we all wish them years and years of happiness. 

A fall wedding is planned and Joelle has already asked Kaitlyn to be in her wedding party and TJ has asked Rob to be his best man.  

I wanted to share this great news with all of you.  Yesterday was a REAL GOOD day in the Karlya household.

I am a diabetesdad.


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