
A Brother’s Christmas Wish for his Sister…..and an Answer that will Touch Your Heart.

I share this with you in the spirit of the Holiday Season.  It is just an incredible Holiday wish that came to me via a mom.

Thirteen-year-old Jeremy asked his mother if he could talk to Dr. Ricordi in private. 

Dr. Ricordi of The Diabetes Research Institute, as so many know, is one of the leading scientists in the world regarding diabetes.  He has created a world of collaboration second to none and it is his drive, talent, and collaborative spirit, along with the same from all of his colleagues, that has given parents hope that some day there will be a cure for diabetes.  This mom, and her family toured the institute and met many of the scientists. It was these up close and  meeting with individuals at the DRI that gave young Jeremy the impression that he could speak to Dr. Ricordi about something very personal.

Jeremy’s mom, Betty, was of course curious, and asked her son why he needed to speak to Dr. Ricordi about something personal??   Her son Jeremy, who does not have diabetes, wanted to see if he was a match for his sister Shelby.  Turns out that he thought he might be able to donate his pancreas to his sister for Christmas so she would not have diabetes anymore!

The young man with a heart of gold was informed by his mother that even if such a thing was a feasible ask; it would mean that he would then have diabetes.

His answer was enough to shake a mountain.

“I don’t care”, he said. “I just don’t want HER to have it anymore.”

The mother and son cried and hugged when he found out it
couldn’t be done.

The mother closed her note to me stating, “Maybe…..someday….typing through tears here. :(.  Hugs to you and the family.”

When I received that message I felt obligated to share with my colleagues at the DRI.  In a very, very short time later, I received the following from one of the greatest minds on this planet in the diabetes research arena.  He was answering the mom personally.

Dear Betty,
Tom shared your message with me and I will be of course delighted to speak with your wonderful son Jeremy and explain to him how we will find a cure for Shelby without having to use his precious pancreas …
All the best, Camillo 
(He then gave her some dates he was available to speak)

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

I am a Diabetesdad

9 replies on “A Brother’s Christmas Wish for his Sister…..and an Answer that will Touch Your Heart.”

What a wonderful boy.

If only we could donate our pancreas. I’d give my son mine in a heartbeat. I’d take great fully take the diabetes myself, if I could spare him the burden.

What a wonderful boy.

If only we could donate our pancreas. I’d give my son mine in a heartbeat. I’d great fully take the diabetes myself, if I could spare him the burden.

WOW. If I could donate my pancreas my son would not only NOT have diabetes, he would not have cystic fibrosis. How awesome would that be?

Believe in the DRI and it will be a reality. Betty Smith your family is awesome as is the entire CWD family, Camillo please hurry, we believe.

I think all of us parents would gladly give our pancreas to our children, I would!!! What a wonderful young man this Jeremy is.. And you have to think well of Camille too.

All of us parents would gladly give up our pancreas to bid farewell to our children’s diabetes….I know I would in a heart beat!
Jeremy is an awesome sibling and you have to think well of Camillo too….having compassion and drive to find that cure….awesome!

If only we could donate our pancreas. I’d give my NEFEW mine in a heartbeat. I’d great fully take the diabetes myself, if I could spare him the burden.

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