
A Chance to See/Hear an Absolutely Incredible Story……In His Own Words!!!

 Part of the ‘year-end-campaign’ for funding the Diabetes Research Institute and in recognition of Diabetes Awareness month, The Diabetes Research Institute Foundation (DRIF) created this video which highlights the story of one of my most respected heroes in this diabetes fight: Michael Otten.  Michael chooses to NOT do NOTHING.  In addition to his huge generosity, his story […]


Celebrities Should Help with Diabetes Causes…….Uhm……They DO!!!!!!!

When people help us, it should never be forgotten.  I have often read comments from people in the diabetes community about how they wish people, celebrities, would do more to help.  The truth of the matter is that there are quite a few.  Of course we always believe that our diabetes concerns should be front and center […]


A Bee Gee, and an Incredible Moment which I will Never Forget.

He is a superstar.  A mega star.  A golden voice, an incredible writer, and a friend fo the Diabetes Research Institute.  He will be performing this year, which he does from time to time, at our Love and Hope Ball next month. He is getting ready to tour.  He was on Saturday Night live recently.  […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #28 for D-Month: MY PERSONAL Favorite on this, Thanksgiving Day, for My D-Kids and Those Like Them.

….and the answer is, who is Camillo Ricordi. There is no argument that there is much great research happening in the world today and surely, all of us parents, are unified in the single thought that we want the cure; yesterday.  Dr. Ricordi made the decision years ago that it was not important that HE […]


Do Kids with Type 1 Deserve to have a Wish Granted by Organizations?

Years ago I had the wonderful experience to help two different families at two different times.  Little Anthony and Kevin both had cancer, incurable cancer.  The results were known and even though both gave a valiant fight and underwent almost every treatment available, eventually the battle was lost. With each day that went by I […]


A GIANT Steps Down: Bob Pearlman President & CEO of the DRIF

It is with huge mixed emotions I share the following news.  Below is the press release as stated by the DRIF. My boss, my mentor, and my friend—-there is not one single parent or person with diabetes who should not be grateful for the work Bob has done over the past 20 years.. I will […]