
Even with Diabetes…..It’s a Wonderful Life…..What are You Thankful for?

Because we are in the Holiday Season:

The Scene:

I’m laying in the snow and Clarence, my guardian angel, is talking to me.

Clarence: Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives.

I wake up, I’m dazed.  Probably too much to drink.  I think I’m in a dream.  I know it surely would be better if diabetes never came into our life.  Clarence does not disagree but he says;

Clarence: I’m giving you a great gift, Tom: A chance to see what your world would be like had diabetes not entered your life.  Yes I know your kids would be better off, but don’t think nothing good  ever happened. 

And it is THIS sentence I would like you to think about today. 

It distresses me when people tell me that nothing good came into their lives since diabetes became the new normal.  the disease is horrendous, and no argument.  I have been fortunate to be on the receiving line of many fabulous things since that time and knowing that I would trade them all in an instant to have never been involved at all; I cannot to that as I HAVE been involved and I am incredibly fortunate.

At the top of the list are the people I have met; from scientists, to other parents, to PWD to great Docs, elected officials locally and nationally, to colleagues, to celebrities, and to so many who made a difference.  I have been across the globe and introduced at state capitols, Capitol Hill, and even the White House.  I have so much to be thankful for and I ask you to recognize the same this holiday season.

What are you thankful for because diabetes is in your life; admitting you would never want to be involved at all.  We get that; but we are here.  We are here together.  My life would be so empty had not so many of you been part of our lives.  And I thank you all.

What are you thankful for, that you presently have, that you would not have had diabetes not entered your life?

I hate diabetes and everything about it.  But the people involved have proved to me time and time again that now that it’s here…..that….well….I have a wonderful life.  And I would change it all in a minute for a cure.

Did you hear me Clarence?

I am a diabetes dad.

2 replies on “Even with Diabetes…..It’s a Wonderful Life…..What are You Thankful for?”

Lauren sometimes asks me the question: would I be the person I am today had I not been diagnosed with diabetes? It’s hard to answer. Yes, I think she was born with the ability to advocate and lead. yes, I think she has some genetics that bring her that sense of humor. Yes, I think she was a strong, outspoken and brave child before this came along. That said — the challenge and the victories have certainly helped shape her. Of course I wish it never came along. But the life she has led — and is going to lead — is amazing, exciting, interesting and meaningful.

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