
‘POOF’, A Magic Wand……What Do You Want?

I’m sure that years and years ago someone asked the question, “How do I go through a toll booth and pay without having to stop?”

The question was asked.  And sooner (or later) someone’s great mind figured out exactly how to do it.

Did you ever ask yourself, I need a tool that does ‘such-and-such’?  Why can’t companies invent “XYZ” that will help me in my everyday dealings with diabetes?

Well……….what is that ‘XYZ’ you would like to see?—-inquiring minds want to know?

You do not have to figure out ‘how to do it’–just pose the question.  Remember that I post this in many different places so again, if you could ‘reply’ on this post so all could see, that would be great.

What do you need?

I am a diabetesdad.

8 replies on “‘POOF’, A Magic Wand……What Do You Want?”

I’d love an app that can read my son’s DEX so all he needs to carry, other than his pump, is an iPhone with the IBG star meter. A phone/ meter / cgm receiver all in one.

There’s an app/website called “myfitnesspal” and you can scan barcodes of products to get the nutritional info! I have no relation to them – I just have a friend who uses the site for exactly what Rose suggested (scan product and get the nutritional info).

Well, I guess it doesn’t record the info… Anyway…

The device I would like is a “secondary display” for a Continuous Glucose Monitor. This would be for a parent, so they can see their child’s blood glucose levels remotely, wherever they are. So, while the kid is at school, the parent can still check the BG trends – and if needed, call the nurse for intervention.

(I was actually thinking it could work for anyone that is a “caregiver” not just parent/child.(

I want — and I mentioned this in a comment on another blog earlier today — a way to test insulin for potency. Maybe something on the vial to check if it’s been subject to extreme temperatures before a pharmacy sells it or a patient accepts it, or maybe some sort of test-strip that reacts to a drop of insulin to see if it’s still good. Because insulin DOES go bad sometimes, and when it does, all the gadgets and devices in the world that help with the math, the recordkeeping, and the delivery won’t help you.

I would like to see a blood sugar monitor and pump combination that works like an artificial pancreas. The items I currently use are a G4 Monitor and Medtronic pump. They work great together but still required to input information from one to the other. Maybe next Christmas.

I would like the information for diabetes organized in a special diabetes app similar to google where patients can ask questions and either be given the answer or advised to call their health care provider. Patients sometimes need information that is easily available and other times try to solve problems by themselves and are not sure when to make phone calls. The key to control is knowledge combined with technology.

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