
When Does the Pain Stop?

The sun is shining today…….and you are here, and that is a very good thing.

Aside from the silliness of the world ending I have come to realize a little more thoughtfully that more and more life can be so very cruel.  Very.  We surely have learned that in the last two weeks haven’t we?

Earlier today I was going through some old magazines that we deliver to a local hospital and I came across a People Magazine and the front cover was full of everything from the shootings in Aurora.  And here we are again.  It hits the fan, and it hits it again…..and it probably will even again.

It leaves pain.  It leaves choices.  We have all had our share of pain in varying degrees, haven’t we?

My thought process veered into one child diagnosed….and there we were again, with another.  The pain was so incredibly large that I never thought we would get through it.  But we did.  Many people have been through really bad crap, much worse than what we have been through, and still they seem to move through it; or ‘move on’ as we say.

The pain is not any less and surely other people’s pain is much more than mine and I marvel at their fortitude to keep going.  They do it for a whole list of reasons……but they do it.  The pain is no less but they continue.

I asked a mom once, who lost her child, how she could ever move on?  Her answer astounded me and to this day I remember vividly her words.  “My daughter has been gone for over 20 years and not a day goes by that I do not think of her.  But I’m here; now.   And 100 years from now no one will care; life has to be lived through the eyes of the present, even as hard as it may ever be.  The choice will  be left to us.  It is the only choice or you will never live life again.”

This person told me this over 12 years ago and I never forgot it.   “Through the eyes of the present…….the choice is left to us”—I love it.

I marvel at how so many can just look life straight in the eyes and say; “bring it on.”  No less painful but they live for the moment, and in the moment.  They live for the now, and in the now.

So next time you are going through ‘something’ remember we can all learn something from that me thinks.

I am a diabetes dad.

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