
A Family Needs our Help…..Please Respond and Share.

help orangeI received a message yesterday about a newly diagnosed child and the dad stated that his son felt he would not be able to do many things. 

I disagreed.

I was just wondering today——what is the single biggest accomplishment that you have succeeded at with diabetes? ….or in what has your child done successful with diabetes?  Do not think “landing on the moon” ideas–just every day successful events.  Sports, arts, academically…whatever.

Please share as a reply on this post and not just as a FB comment so all may see.  I will compile and give to this dad; first name of children only please (and age).


I am a diabetesdad

54 replies on “A Family Needs our Help…..Please Respond and Share.”

I have accomplished many things; diagnosed type 1 40 years ago at age 11. I’ve created a successful on-air career as a radio DJ and news anchor; including public appearances in front of thousands. I also completed a 37 mile bike tour and became a certified personal fitness trainer. Any thing is possible with proper planning!

Our daughter Steph graduated from high school with all A’s and B’s, went onto graduate from The Culinary Institute of America with her associates in Culinary (she’s a chef), with a 3.5 GPA and now is working on her bachelor’s program in Restaurant/Hospitality management at New England Culinary Institute – besides being a great young woman, she’s funny, happy, smart and been dealing with Type 1 diabetes since she was 5-years-old – she’s now 21. You can do anything you put your mind to – never say never.

I think my son (age 6) has done MORE because of diabetes…meeting with our Representatives and Senators, both at home and with JDRF Children’s Congress; been part of a national ad for the Artificial Pancreas, raised countless dollars, met celebrities, etc., etc. Normal kid stuff? Played every age-appropriate sport in the book including All-Star baseball in the heat of summer. If he wants to do something we find a way!

Sam is now 22. He learned to ice skate when he was a toddler, and started playing hockey when he was 6. He was dx’d at age 8… and was afraid he would never be able to play hockey again. Two weeks after dx, he was back on the ice. He played hockey on a travel team in Michigan all the way through high school. As a defenseman, his game was quite physical – lots of checks into the boards, and lots of hard skating, etc. But type 1 never EVER stopped him. He learned what he had to do to stay healthy, and moved on with it. (which is more than some people withOUT diabetes ever do… truly our kids can do anything)

Hi – I’m Kimmy and I’m 10 years old. I was diagnosed when I was 3. Diabetes has not stopped me from doing anything. I eat birthday cake. I go trick or treating. I go swimming and tubing off my friend’s boat. And I got 2nd place at my state gymnastics meet! I’m just like all my friends – I just have a few extra things to do to keep myself healthy. Diabetes has not stopped me from doing anything!

I have two children with Type I Diabetes. My daughter was diagnosed at age 7; she is now 21 and a happy newlywed. My son was diagnosed at age 9; he is now 16 and doing well.
They both were able to do sleepovers as soon as they learned to administer their own insulin. In fact, every Halloween they and some friends spend the night out in my niece’s barn on her 5 acres of land — they eat candy and scare each other silly all night long.
My daughter played and my son still plays basketball and soccer with a local sports club. My son currently plays Ultimate Frisbee most weekends.
Both are avid day-hikers.
Both enjoy fishing for halibut and salmon out on the ocean. My son enjoys bike rides through the woods with his friends.
My daughter has been driving since she turned 16, and my son is preparing to get his license now.
I guess their biggest accomplishments are that they have simply continued to live and do the things they would have done had they not been diagnosed with Diabetes. They have to think a bit more than a non-D person — checking bg before they play, drive, or at the beginning of a hike; remember to check again at half time, or at some point during the hike — learning to “read” their body signals so they can recognize that their bg may be a bit high, or dropping low. But really, they do all the things they would have done without the Diabetes.

I am a mother of a child diagnosed at age 8 (now 17). We lost her Dad to cancer two months after my daughter’s diagnosis. My daughter is a dancer (competitive Irish and ballroom), she has climbed mountains above 14,000 feet, she has performed in many musical theatre productions (for pay!), has recorded a CD, has met President Obama at the White House, and is a mentor to younger Type 1’s. Yes, life is a little bit more difficult (not to say that the disease takes its toll on the parents – I still wake up twice a night to check on her and her BG’s, the flu bug has meant trips to the ER. However, we know that this occasional set backs cannot keep her down. (Check out INsulindependence – these guys have a terrific mentoring program for youth that taught my daughter it was OK to accept the diabetes as a “good” part of her and challenged her).

Ben is 5, diagnosed age 2. Since diagnosis he had learnt to swim, ski, play rugby and play the violin. Having diabetes doesn’t stop him doing anything he wants! It may need more planning and more attention to details but it makes us all determined to do all we can to ensure that he lives his life to the full!!

CANOE! CAMP! My daughter, Morgan, was worried about not being able to camp(I was worried too!) but it has been just fine and we got her a waterproof case and went white water rafting/canoeing/camping and go quite regularly :O)

My son Josh was diagnosed 3 years ago. He is now 11 years old. His 1st question to the doctor in ICU was “Can I still play sports?”. The doctor said, not only can you play sports, sports is a great way for you to stay healthy and avoid complications. Josh’s desire to do everything other kids do has helped him stay on top of his numbers. He plays football, lacrosse, is starting Rugby this year, has acted in plays, and just came back from a fishing trip in the everglades with his dad and brother. There are always good days and bad days, but today’s technology has really helped Josh have a great life, diabetes and all. Do we wish it was not a part of our lives? Definitely. Are we letting it control our lives or define us? NO.

Our 22 year old son was diagnosed with Type 1 at 10 years old, does anything he wants – went from basketball, summer camp, tubing on the river, dirt bikes, camping, fishing, guitar, hunting, to climbing up on towers to weld. Recently thinking about traveling overseas, continue his education and becoming a teacher. Awesome; follow those dreams!

My daughter is 14, diagnosed at age 3. She got her 1st degree in Black Belt karate this past October. It’s a 9 hour exam, straight cardio, self defense techniques and material. She passed and about 1/2 of the students (WITHOUT diabetes) did not. It has made her so strong, physically and mentally. I would never wish this on her or anyone, but it has NOT held her back from her goals. A “Can Do” attitude is so very important.

I have one of the DRI backpacks sitting in my apt (for the PEP Squad)- would you like me to send it to them? Let me know- I can get it out Monday.


Emma is 9 has had diabetes since she was 3, she goes to Brownies, plays the cornet in her school orchestra and a junior band and does the singing club. She has cycled 3 miles today with her dad. She doesn’t ‘ live with DIABETES she LIVES with diabetes’

My Daughter was diagnosed at 11 months, she learned to walk with her pump (and mor impotantly the pump learned to walk with her!) . At 5, she is now in Y1 at school , in the last year she has learnt to swim , rollerskate – every milestone an important one – you can do anything you please with D , just takes that but more time , thought and effort <3

A year after Sam, my 8 year old was diagnosed with diabetes he was chosen to represent his school in the “math olympics.” He was so excited – we traveled to another school where hundreds of kids from a couple of different states were there. He got set up in the classroom where he would take four different tests, and of course I had to come since there wasn’t a nurse available. I checked his blood sugar right before the test and he was over 400. I was so disappointed – I gave him an insulin shot and sat in the hallway worrying and silently cursing the disease I thought could potentially ruin my son’s chances of doing his best. After all the tests were over, and we gathered in the auditorium to hear the results I prepared to encourage my son and congratulate him for coming and doing his best. They announced the winners and my son came in first place. I remember so vividly bursting into tears and thinking – “Sam – 1, Diabetes – 0.” He hasn’t changed anything about what he has done since. He’s made the middle school sports teams, come first place in a chess tournament, and gone back to win the math olympics twice more. Diabetes does get in the way sometimes, but it never stops him from doing what he wants to do.

Parent of a child diagnosed at 8 in 2008 and Ceilac as well.
My girl rode on back of tandem first year 35 mile for her own team. Now 4 years of riding each year. #1 family team in state.
Got her black belt in Karate 6 months post dxd. Placed 2 ,1st and a 3rd in form and fighting 3 weeks after dxd. in a International competition.
She has cyclocross bike raced placing 3rd in State last year. This was her 2nd year racing. She is now the youngest team member of Team Novo Nordisk.
She learned to snowboard last year. Soccer and Basketball player too.
We have made newly dxd. visits. She will share her secrets with the kids. Test together eat and bolus via injection even though a pumper now.(One sweet child finally tested without a fight and continued to test after visit for herself)
She has lobbied at the State Capital and will go to DC this March.
I myself am a co-leader in a support group in our state that has over 250 members and has since branched out to be more local.
If you asked me 5 years ago if I ever though I/ we would be doing any of these things I’d laugh. But you can and will do what it takes.
We have a strong faith background and support system. We know that things happen for a reason.
Your son and yourself will surprise you and you will find a strength and the wisdom I promise. Blessings

Hannah will celebrate her 13th birthday in just a few weeks. She was dx at 4yo. Anything Hannah wants to do, I make it happen. It may take a bit more planning or precautions, but totally doable. Hannah plays sports and a lot of them. She played competitive soccer for 4 years and now the #1 catcher on her travel softball team. She made the varsity girls basketball team at her school this year. Hannah also played and actively participated in lacrosse, summer baseball, gymnastics, cross country and football for her school in the 5th grade. She’s in the band, member of the forensic team and is an Altar Server. She spends the night with friends and does what all the other 7th graders do. Hannah loves life and doesn’t want to waste any of it.

My first daughter was diagnosed at age 5. By age 15, she became a state champion volleyball player and won MVP plus the DYF medal for athlete of the year. She is a very beautiful girl and won “best body” at her high school. She is now a senior. I’m extremely proud of all of her accomplishments despite having to deal with T1D. My other daughter, diagnosed at age 2, is now thriving with friends in her kindergarten class and seems to be quite bright. We are very excited to watch her as she grows up to see what accomplishments are ahead of her, in spite of having T1D. The kids can still do the things that other kids do but they do require extra planning with some of it. It forced me to be a very involved parent with my kids and we are very close as a result of it.

My T1 has learned to swim, has straight A’s, has rock climbed, hiked, biked, does competition dance, drama club, roller skates, canoe… per my 8 year old – “You can do anything, and you’ll be smarter because you can do all this AND manage your diabetes at the same time. Other kids just have one thing to do, while we are awesome at more than one thing at a time.”

My oldest son, Christian, who is now 7 1/2 was diagnosed almost 3 years ago at 4 1/2. Type 1 diabetes has not stopped him from doing anything that he wants to do including – playing football, soccer, basketball. He does everything that all 2nd grade boys do!

My daughter dx’d 2 1/2yrs plays basketball, goes to camp by herself, is in 6th grade, can change her own sites and goes to school dances. We have also flown with the pump. No problems.

My daughter molly was dx at age 4, she is 10 now. In the beginning, I thought I could never leave her with anyone, but now I do feel comfortable leaving her with people, that for me took a long time. Since she is on the insulin pump, I do not have to teach people how to give her an injection before I leave her. Another piece of advice, go buy the book Calorie King, it makes figuring out the carb count so much easier. We just took a trip to Florida, and I left the food scale behind in a restaurant. In a panic I tried to get another one, but all I could find was the Calorie King book. I am finding it much easier that weighing everything. Who knew?
But you did ask what my child has accomplished since dx, she has made it through Kindergarten to grade 5 in the public school, thanks to a wonderful school Nurse, Mrs. Julia Clark, she has gone to Barton Day Camp on LI for a week each summer, and last summer, she even went to sleep away camp at Barton for 2 weeks! According to her Teacher this year, she is a “dream student”, she reads a few books a week,, and knows how to test, treat, correct and bolus herself through her pump. She is an amazing kid who has a lot to deal with, but we try to take it one day at a time. Yeah, it does really suck some days, but you and your child can do this together, and with the help of the diabetes online community, like, some days you may even fly!

I am 9 years old and when I was diegnosed with diabetese I did not think that I could keep playing baseball basketball and soccer. My mom told me to try it and see if I coulde. Guess What? I still could. When I play soccer I take my pump off so I dont hit it on the ground because I fall a lot. Isnt that funny? I just check by blood before I go on the fielde and when I feel like I might be low. My team mates do not even care if I have to leave for a minute. I hope you still do all of the fun stuff you use to do. I got diabetes 5 days after my 7 th birthday. If you want to be pen pals we can be. Diabetes has made me a little bit more not sick. I have a cold now but I didnt have one for a long long time. By my T1D new friend.


Brock Donna

I was one of those kids that hated gym class — the kind picked last when teams were picked. I always loved to swim, but it wasn’t something we ever did in gym class!

The swim I am proudest of took 19 hours and 17 minutes and about 80 jellyfish stings to complete. They hypothermia was so intense that my legs would spontaneously curl up into my chest as I swam. My grip strength was so affected that I wouldn’t have been able to open up an alcohol swab. My brain was so impaired by the chilled blood my body was circulating that I couldn’t understand sentences longer than six words.

The boat was getting spun in circles by the wind, and the waves were more than a meter (3 feet) high… and yet we managed to test my blood sugar every 30 minutes. My crew would attach a rope to a waterproof container, and put my readied meter inside, and throw it out to me. I tested while treading water, far away from the boat. My blood sugars were mostly amazing — no lows, and nothing above 7.6 mmol/L (137 mg/dl) for 10 consecutive hours.

That swim taught me about inner strength. Sometimes, the harder and more challenging things are, the more we can be proud of them. Diabetes is sort of like that. 🙂

It’s not always easy but you can do anything, especially when you practice good diabetes management. My son plays travel baseball and never missed a game or practice due to diabetes. He’s only missed sports & school from celiac disease. Make sure to check your blood sugar often & get in good habits. Sometimes this will seem like a drag, especially for a kid but it will allow you to know your body & understand how to handle any situation.


We kind of thought the same thing at first when our daughter got diagnosed with Type I diabetes. She was going to lose the ability to do what she wanted and more. So we thought! We were uninformed and WRONG!

In 2010, in her first year of swimming and pre-diagnosis my daughter Haylie (10 years old) placed 12th at the State Championship in the breaststroke. On September 6th, 2011, she was diagnosed with Type I diabetes (11 years old). She didn’t swim in 2011, but not because of Diabetes. The season started before her diagnosis. She started to swim again in 2012. It had been two and half years since she was in swimming once she started back up this year. At her last meet, she beat her old time that got her to State in 2010. At State in 2010, she set her new PR (Personal Record). She is currently only 1 second off her PR. The season is not finished and she’s getting better and better everyday. Two and a half years off was a long time, but she’s back in shape now. I’m certain she will break her PR before the season is over.

Never give up hope. You can do it if you put your mind to it. It just takes a little more planning now.

Famous people with Type I:
Halle Berry
Mary Tyler Moore
Nick Jonas
Crystal Bowersox
Jean Smart
Bret Michaels
Gary Hall, Jr. 10 time Olympic Medalist. Didn’t take his first Gold Medal until after being diagnosed with Type I diabetes.
Jay Cutler – Football Quarterback has type I
Mark Lowe – played baseball with the Seattle Mariners as a Pitcher and is now with the Texas Rangers.
Chris Dudley- played Basketball for the Portland Trail Blazers when he retired.

Here is a good link for him to look at of some additional sports players with Diabetes:

My daughter Brieanna is 13yrs old was diagnosed with T1at the age 9.My daughter excels above and beyond most classmates Straight A’s also currently in 8th grade taking enriched Algebra a high school credit .She she plays volleyball and runs track.She is on student council at her school ,speech and debate ,and the bullying committee.She says diabetes won’t slow her down,she just has to make sure all the things are with her to keep her safe.She has her goal of being a day.

My son Luke was diagnosed with t1d at 10 months old. He’s now 2 1/2 and diabetes hasn’t slowed him down one bit. He wrestles with me and his older brother. Luke loves to swim in the ocean, go snow tubing, play guitar, and steal his brother’s toys. Don’t let diabetes slow you down!

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 8, almost 40 years ago. I learned how it was going to change my life……… insulin injections, eating healthy and exercise. No problem. The insulin part was the only new thing for me.
I went to birthday parties and sleep overs just like any other kid. Mom always called the parents ahead of time to make sure that they were aware of my diabetes and a brief overview of what low bloodsugar symptoms looked like as well as high blood sugar symptoms. Back then, glucometers were about 10 times the size that they are now, so it is easy to always carry a glucometer to keep tabs on your bloodsugar.
I played basketball, softball, ran track, bicycled, downhill skiied, waterskiied. My childhood was very normal to me.
I went away from home to attend college and earned a degree as a Medical Laboratory Technician. For the last 25 years, I have worked at a variety of hospitals, working in the lab, helping doctors to better diagnose patients with the tests that were run and the results that were obtained.
I am married with 3 kids, and just like the early years, my life is very normal, except that now I wear an insulin pump.
Make life as normal as possible. It works, and you and your son will find out that this disease does NOT have to control your lives. You simply have to know how to keep it under control, and I am sure that your son can have a healthy, happy childhood and the same as he grows up.

I’m 24. I was diagnosed with t1d when I was 14. I played travel socer though high school and also played on my high school soccer team. My soccer team had another girl with diabetes as well. I also played on a boys travel basketball team (I’m a girl). I was on the wakeboarding team in college. I have run the twin cities marathon. I also have biked in 3 JDRF ride to cure diabetes in Death Valley with the most recent one being 102 miles. I am an avid snowboarder and was taught to snowboard when I was 15 by a professional snowboarder with t1d. I currently teach physical education at an elementary school. Anything is possible with a meter, insulin and candy:-)

My daughter was dx at 2 years old. She ran a half marathon at the age of 14, did a few 60+ mile bike rides, straight As all through school, played softball, field hockey, soccer, and is now studying pre-med at uChicago. Diabetes has’t slowed her down one bit 🙂

I have graduated with honors from medical school. I have done many triathlons. I run half marathons. I did a Ragnar Relay with 12 other people…a 200 mile running overnight event and all of us had type 1 diabetes. I am currently training for an 8.1 mile swim….I think having diabetes has made me more accomplished, not less…Hope this helps!

My daughter Shelby was diagnosed at age 10 & is almost 21. Never has she NOT done anything she wanted to because of diabetes.
She has been a County Advisory council member, a volunteer firefighters, a 4-H junior leader, player field hockey (gatekeeper for 3 regional championships), basketball (more championships, & playing her Senior year with a torn ACL), softball (catcher) for both school & recreaction.
She’s midway through her PharmD in Boston.
She’s got her motorcycle

( cut me off…)
…Got her motorcycle license and can price a stick shift.
She helped ne organize 3 successful walkathons for a cure for diabetes.
Her symptoms helped us recognize another undiagnosed child before he got too sick.
She’s an RA, Orientation Leader, & Peer Mentor.
She works parttime when she’s home on college breaks.
I would say she’s a harder-working person BECAUSE she won’t let diabetes tell what she can or can’t do.

Billy is 19 years old, dx’d when he was 22 months old. He is the most amazing young man and has never let diabetes stand in his way. Over the years he learned to ride a bike and swim, played on several school and travel soccer and tennis teams, learned to drive, found and is still with his first love, graduated from High School with honors and is now a freshman in college! The list is endless!!!! I am so proud of my boy! My youngest is 7 and also a T1 dx’d at 3 yrs old. Bill is a great influence on him! I’m sure he will grow up to be an amazing young man just like his big brother!

I have 2 girls with Type 1, diagnosed at 3 and 3 1/2. I learn how to do all the diabetes care, change insulin pumps, continues glucose sensors, all the things need to keep them health. They still play at school, play at home and my older d-daughter just got student of the month. If you need some to talk with email me. Have him read the book by Phil Southerland! Take care.

My two daughters (15 and 10, diagnosed at 2 and 3) have been competing gymnastics for 8 years. Both have qualified numerous times for national competitions. The older one has won two gold medals. Nothing stops our girls. The older one went on a school trip to Spain last year. We wish you all the best!!!!!

My four year old son was diagnosed at 14 months. He has learned to walk, be potty trained, go to school. He has learned to run, swim, play all kinds of sports, climb, go sledding, boogie board in the ocean. He has learned to be the same boy he would have been without diabetes.

Jace was diagnosed Sept. of 1998 at 28 months. He is now 16 1/2. He played T-Ball from 2002-2007 when he was ages 5-11. In Junior High he took TaeKwonDo. We live where we have access to an outdoor pool all summer long. He is currently attending an early college high school and will graduate with both his high school diploma and his associate’s degree next year.

Our daughter, Sarah, was diagnosed 10 days after her 5th birthday. She is now 14 and has been on a pump since age 6. She has done everything from competitive cheer leading to traveling to Disney World 4 times and even taken a cruise with just her grandparents. Type 1 only restricts you as much as you let it. Good luck!

Our son is 14 and was diagnosed at 12. We, too were worried at diagnosis how it was all going to work. He has done swimming, sailing, surfing, downhill skiing, the Disney parks at 98 degrees F, camps, hiking, biking, been out with friends, school activities, band, school theatre, Friends for Life conference (his favorite)…..oh, and anything else he wants to do. Best of all, he is a wonderful kid. My message: you can do this, and so can he.

My son Cameron has been diagnosed seven years. He gave up violin because he said it made his fingers feel ‘funny’ with all the finger pokes. (It was just an excuse! He was fed up with violin, ;-). ) He took up the oboe instead and now plays in two national level youth orchestras. I’m so proud of him. My heart is always in my mouth when I’m watching him perform, wondering what his BG levels are doing, but he takes it all in his stride and doesn’t give it a second thought. He is nearly 17 and a straight ‘A’ student. He is involved in debating and public speaking. He has done all of the normal school trips and cultural exchanges that other kids his age do. It just takes a little bit more planning. Diabetes hasn’t stopped him doing anything. Its his ‘normal’.

Our daughter, Lauren was diagnosed at 8 at the end of 2nd grade. She is now 19 and a freshman at Stanford University studying Mineralogy and Geology. She has become a very athletic strong young woman who hikes mountains and field camp as part of her life a college. From age 8 on she fell in love with horses and has been multiple times Hunter / Jumper Champion Equestrian. She now is competing in competition Jumping at 1.20 m (3ft 9″). In the last two years she has also discovered a love of river kayaking and can now do Class 4 (out of 5) level rivers. This last summer she was certified as a River Guide on the Payette River in Idaho. For Christmas she is kayaking rivers in Chile and climbing volcanos. She does all this with a Dexcom 4, insulin pump and most importantly, personal determination that “Diabetes Does Not Define Me!”
One of the components we credit with her strong sense of self with Diabetes its Children With Diabetes Friends for Life Conferences. We discovered this organization within a week of diagnosis and have gone every year. It has given her the tools and support to be all she is.

My 13 year old daughter (diagnosed just before she was 5) plays football and played for Ipswich Town girls centre of excellence from 8 until she was 12, she now plays for Cambridge girls centre of excellence. These centres cater for the best female players in the UK. Even though daunting at the beginning you will learn that Type 1 does not hold you back. Good Luck

I was 5 yo when dx. Next month will be 38 years. I was not a big sports player, and things were a lot different back then. I was a teenager before I remember blood testing. I graduated college. Work full time, and have 2 daughters, one of who is a T1 dx at 21 months. She is four now. So far she’s gone to preschool, played soccer, and takes ballet, is learning to swim, loves roller skating and riding her bike. She wants to do baseball next, or maybe soccer again, she can’t decide. But there is no reason she can’t do any of it. None of us wanted this disease, but it doesn’t define us, or stop us. My daughters dx has prompted me to become more involved in the diabetic community. I will be attending call to congress in March.

My father (AND his twin brother) have had T1 for over fifty years! He’s had a long life and is a happy grandfather of three.

My daughter was diagnosed almost six years ago just after her 3rd birthday. We’ve always prided ourselves on how we find a way to make something work with Diabetes. She never lets it get in her way. She does karate and swim team. Swim was practice five days a week and meets for several hours once a week. It takes planning, but she has taken it all in stride and done well.

I think having T1 has actually made her MORE determined to tackle challenges and prove that it won’t slow her down. She’s one feisty kid! Lol I can’t think of anything she wasn’t able to do.

Our daughter, Sarah was diagnosed at age 9 1/2. Two days after leaving the hospital she had a sleepover at a friend’s house and was attending a competitive soccer camp at Stanford. Anything she was planning on doing before diabetes entered her life still happened. Sarah was a competitive soccer and tennis player, has traveled overseas to Europe and the Middle East. Her can do attitude has always been a part of her makeup, but has been fostered and grown by her connection with Children with Diabetes which began the day she was diagnosed. Sarah is now in her 3rd year of college and has always maintained that diabetes does not define her, she defines how diabetes is a part of her life. Watch out world! Our kids can, do and will live their lives to the fullest!

My son was diagnosed July 2011 at the age of 15. It was initially rough because he was planning on travelling by himself in September to New York by himself to visit family. The trip was postponed to Christmas and he’s been doing his teenage thing ever since. I don’t think he checks himself as often as he should so I do get very worried and, being a teenager, he doesn’t want me to ask him. But it hasn’t stopped him from doing anything. He runs track, walks two miles to the bus every day, went on a college tour recently with about 50 other kids to four colleges per day for three days up to San Francisco and the surrounds. I’m sure it was exhausting but he didn’t have any issues.

I was a busy child in High School with Boy scouts, Theater, Concert Choir, Wrestling. Did Diabetes effect any of these activities yes would I change anything. Yes. I would have kept a closer look at my BGl’s.

Anything is possible when you have Type 1 Diabetes. Since I was diagnosed I’ve grown a career as a teacher and as a coach, I’ve won 17 World Championship medals, I’ve backpacked around Europe, I’ve lived out of my car traveling cross country, I’ve gotten married, and that’s just the beginning!
Diabetes hasn’t stopped me from doing anything I’ve wanted to do, if anything, it’s motivated me to do it better than everyone else BECAUSE I have Diabetes.

My daughter is 11, diagnosed at 13 months old. Single biggest accomplishment? Traveling. We’ve been overseas, and places closer to home. It takes more organization, and persistent focus on unusual foods, activities and time zone changes. But it’s so worth it. Anything you think is worth doing, you can make happen…diabetes just has to come along for the ride.

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