
An Update On What YOU are Doing….Get Involved.

Blue CandlesI wanted to give everyone an update on where we stand.

1. I have been contacted by an ad agency out of Texas (who has so graciously agreed to help this effort)….in the not-too-distant future we will unveil our plan on education the public about diabetes and I will introduce you to this wonderful volunteer.  We see this as a real grass-roots efforts where you can download posters and take them to you pediatricians office, libraries, and anywhere else you see fit.

2. We will be presenting in a social media format with everything that goes with that outreach.

3.  A component of this will have to do with outreach to your local media, and we hope to give you the tools to do that as well.  I know there are people also working on this aspect; any thing we can do to help ‘carry the message’, let us know.

4. Once this begins to pick up steam, it is our hope that a major company will step in with help also (but we will see).

5.  No one entity, company, or organization will own this movement.  It will be up to us as PWDs, parents, or having loved ones to make successful.

6. Washington DC—I have received many stories and a few people who are going to Washington and have agreed to take the stories with them.  I would love to hear a few stories of (SO UNFORTUNATE BUT NEEDED) any parent who would be willing to share their story that did not end well.  Anyone who wishes can email at please include a picture of your child.   Our legislative leaders need to hear these stories.

A.If you have a story and have not sent that was rough but ended okay–please send it

B. If you would be willing to share your story that ended so unfortunately and this is so hard for me to even ask; kindly allows us to take your story to Washington to ensure it never happens again (and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts).

C. And if you are going to DC and will be willing to share these stories…..let me know that as well and I will get to you the stories with pictures.

More as I have it.  Let’s do everything we can to make sure as few as possible ever need to light a blue candle again.

One final comment: This movement is NOT MINE either—it is ours—feel free to chime in with ideas or thoughts by replying to this blog. 

I am a Diabetes dad

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


3 replies on “An Update On What YOU are Doing….Get Involved.”

I just found out another young child was diagnosed this week. She’s in the hospital, that’s all I know. A friend told us, since the child goes to school with her daughter, and she thought of us when she found out this little girl has diabetes. My daughters dx story isn’t tragic, I knew what was wrong b/c I’m T1. But I wonder if I didn’t have that knowledge? Anyways, I think we need to reach out to the schools too. Put the flyers in the hallways, clinic, wherever.

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