
This Could Be It…….What We Have Been Waiting For Since Diagnosis!!!!

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101 replies on “This Could Be It…….What We Have Been Waiting For Since Diagnosis!!!!”

Our son was diagnosed three years ago at age 12, our daughter was diagnosed a month ago. She is 8 and I haven’t let myself cry or grieve again yet. I cried today when I read this. Every night I wonder if our other son is next. Thank you Tom. I needed to hear this, regardless of the final outcome. Hopers gotta hope right?

What an AWESOME birthday present for me if on March 5th I hear that my boys are “this close” to being D FREE!!! I know what I’ll be wishing for as I blow out my candles!!!!

I have been waiting…nearly 32 years to hear this. I can’t wait to hear what they have to say. Anything and everything i can cross is crossed!!!! GOD PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN!!!! For myself as well as all of the other D-peeps out there!

I hope this is real. I’m feeling very emotional that maybe there is an end in sight for my two kids with T1D. It’s been a long journey of nightmares and tears.

I have prayed for a cure for my granddaughter, Lauren, who was diagnosed at the age of six. She is now 14 and manages her diabetes well, but it will be so wonderful when she no longer has to stick herself, and when we no longer have to worry about her sugar dropping in her sleep. Looking forward to the news tomorrow!

We are only 5 weeks in to the diagnosis for my beautiful, sweet, 2 year old boy. I can’t put into words how excited I am that we are getting closer to a cure, that there is a chance he will see one in his lifetime. I pray every day for it.

Overwhelmed with anxiousness for the news tomorrow. My sweet girl will have her birthday this coming Saturday and sharing news about a real cure for her in the near future would be the best gift I could dream of giving her. She wishes (as probably most in the life of T1) for a cure every time she blows her candles out. What a joy it would be for her wish from last year to be granted before she makes this years wish!

Lets all pray that this will be great news for all has a mother of a child that has been dealing with type1 and like many of us parents fryer wonder why my child I pray everyday for a cure.let all hope and pray

Tomorrow is my 39th birthday, and my 31st since being diagnosed. I would love for this announcement to make tomorrow my best birthday ever!

But if it’s not – and I need to make sure all the d-moms and d-dads understand this – life is good. Even without a cure, life is good.

Thanks Scott….I look forward to hearing what you have to say after tomorrow. As I stated it is exiciting and not completed with more work to go but the concept is so amazing. I look forward to hearing from you……and Happy birthday.

“But if it’s not – and I need to make sure all the d-moms and d-dads understand this – life is good. Even without a cure, life is good.”

Thanks for this Scott. This is the hope we hold onto in our house.

I so wish you would have said that this was a “concept” in your post. Instead you used wording that has lead many to beleive that a major breaktru had been made and the next piece to the puzzle had been found. From what I can tell, the only thing that happened on the 5th was that the project was named, nothing new nor groundbreaking.

Thank you Scott. I think both my T1 kids have more empathy, compassion and appreciation for life they made not have had without diagnosis. I admit I would have rather they came to it another way. Thank you for reminding me.

A very true statement. My husband has reaffirmed this for me consistently, that no matter what, cure or no cure life is good. I humbly agree 🙂
And Happy Birthday to you a tad bit early!

I was diagnosed at 13, 22 years ago. I overdosed on insulin when I was younger because I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I’m now a single mum of 2 and have been on a pump for 9 years but I still struggle with control. I’ve read this tonight and am in tears… I know it’s a time away but I pray this is the cure I have prayed for daily/hourly/every second, and that I will be able to go to bed at night without worrying that my babies will wake to find their mummy’s body one morning if I hypo in my sleep.

God bless everyone who is doing this research. Thank you for giving me hope.

I was diagnosed at 13, 22 years ago. I overdosed on insulin when I was younger because I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I pray this is the cure I have prayed for daily/hourly/every second, and that I will be able to go to bed at night without worrying that my babies will wake to find their mummy’s body one morning if I hypo in my sleep.

God bless everyone who is doing this research. Thank you for giving me hope.

I have never wished for anything more. And Scott E. your response made me cry as much as this article did—thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying that.

Tom I’m crying n shaking I’m scared anxious n everything to see what u r goin to say! I follow all this stuff everyday every night since feb 3 2012 we donate to all of them Jdrf dri ads cwd plz I pray for all of our children w the deepest prayers imaginable !!!!!! Good luck to all n thk u to all the work n people helping n all the people in trials !!look forward to tomorrow I hope it’s good news

First of all, it is not what I am going say; it is what will be out on the DRI website. I am nothing more than a messenger. To have been part of this and to not say what I wanted to say has been so difficult; I was shaking and crying last night as I wrote what I wrote. I have heard it all before….again…and again….and again. But never like this……let me know your thoughts after you read tomorrow.

Been waiting… Gone blind 15 yrs. ago and now waiting on kidney transplant… Still waiting for cure… ()!

As a mother of a child with diabetes and a wife to an amazing man with diabetes dare I say that this has me on the edge of my seat. We don’t hold our breath for much, technology doesn’t excite the Kelly clan, but any forward step toward self regulating insulin production would be incredible. I am excited.

To everyone that posted above or will read this. What you will see is amazing but if we do not come together and help the fund the DRI, the cure will not happen over night. I hear everyone how they want a cure but what are doing to find a cure. Here is your chance.

I’m very skeptical too but the established diabetic industry is fully aware that sooner or later someone will change the game. Let’s just hope a cure won’t turn into another multi billion dollar business.

The DRI’s focus has been consitent for years. I too share your doubt……I too share your questions……this concept is an incredible concept. Read, absorb, and be ready for a live session with Dr. Ricordi to answer any questions in the very near future.

I really really hope so.
We all hope and dream and pray for this day so much.
9th July 2010 is a date I can’t forgot- diagnosis day and I hope that March 5th will be unforgettable for being the beginning of the end of diabetes.
Can we then be the CDOC – cured diabetes online community??

I’m the mom of a Type 1 Diabetic. My daughter Kat was diagnosed 9 years ago when she was 3 years old. I’m also the daughter of a Type 1 Diabetic. My Mom was diagnosed when she was 12. She’s now 63. Her sister as well, when she was 10, she is now 71. I hope and pray as you do, that the cure will be found in the lifetime of my child – even in my mothers lifetime!

Well, it is about type I or type II Diabetes, or both?
How will you deal with insulin resistant ?
We all looking forward…

I cant wait to read this tomorrow. I too have 2 children with TYPE 1, they were diagnosed at the end of 2009 only 3 months apart; my son wa aged 10 and my daughter only 2. Our entire lives have changed, the thought of going back to life pre diabetes is a heavenly though. Take care everyone, lets all cross those fingers tightly x

I have Type 1, my brother does and so does my sister. My own daughter was diagnosed Type 1 when she was 7 years old. This news is absolutely fabulous but too late for my gorgeous girl who died in her sleep the day before her 13th birthday 5 years ago. That is why I am crying. Not for me and my siblings, but for her. God Bless Her. xxx

I pray to God this is the real thing. Nothing would make me happier than to have my grandson celbrate his 9th birthday with the prospect of a cure for his diabetes he has had for 5+ years.

1. I have grilled and grilled at the questions during this process… one has heard false promises more than I in the last 20 years (but I am sure many heard as many as I did).
2. I was not nice in this process internally……I was a parent. I am telling you that my questions were answered and when the answer was “We don’t know that answer”….I was told ‘we don’t know that answer’.
3. There will come a time in the not to distant future that Dr. Ricordi will address this concept and take questions live….stay tuned for details/info about that.
4. People will say all sorts of things tomorrow…if you have a question; ask it. It will not be as simple as stating on such and such a date it will be done. We have never given false-hope and we will not start. See the concept tomorrow. It is as exciting as it is real.
5. There will be questions and the DRI will answer them.
6. Read tomorrow……absorb tomorrow. We will be available to address questions…..and ask away. I surely did.

As I write this, I am crying…my 5 year old daughter, was diagnosed nearly 5 months ago. It hit us like a hurricane and we are still grieving. She has an identical twin sister, that we worry will develop T1D, as well. I look at her everyday and wonder if her immune system is in the process now, attacking her Islet cells.
I can not wait to read the news tomorrow, which is 3 days before my twins turn 6.

Wow. Not sure what to think. Feeling slightly freaked-out.
So much want this to be what you’re hinting at. So much.
But slightly nauseous at the thought that it might be something else – like another ‘just over the horizon’ announcement.

Deep breath – remember what Scott E commented above …

I answered this before but here it is again.
1. I have grilled and grilled at the questions during this process… one has heard false promises more than I in the last 20 years (but I am sure many heard as many as I did).
2. I was not nice in this process internally……I was a parent. I am telling you that my questions were answered and when the answer was “We don’t know that answer”….I was told ‘we don’t know that answer’.
3. There will come a time in the not too distant future that Dr. Ricordi will address this concept and take questions live….stay tuned for details/info about that.
4. People will say all sorts of things tomorrow…if you have a question; ask it. It will not be as simple as stating on such and such a date it will be done. We have never given false-hope and we will not start. See the concept tomorrow. It is as exciting as it is real.
5. There will be questions and the DRI will answer them.
6. Read tomorrow……absorb tomorrow. We will be available to address questions…..and ask away. I surely did.

No Lisa Treese…..THANK YOU. Because it is people like you who have gotten us this far and will be with us until it is done. In it to end it.
Hugs and love always.

After a quick google of Dr. Ricordi, I’m guessing it’s going to be a transplant of some kind. I do know people have been working on transplanting without the need for anti-rejection drugs. So that’s my guess. Either that or the dog that was recently cured via gene therapy. EIther way, I’m cautiously optimistic, but if this whole thing is just a huge fundraiser, I’m going to be bitterly angry.

I hope and pray that the cure comes to fruition , my grandson got type 1 two years ago,I was 13 when I got it,I’am now 66.For all the people out ther. My prayers and hopes are for you.

I have to say, even if this report does turn out to be the real thing…. posting about it today was just mean…. and it makes me think that this is more of a fundraising ploy… I almost cried reading your post, because you’re raising hope across the world, hopes that will most likely be dashed in the near future=( If this is a fundraising tactic… its worse than what JDRF did here

Thanks for writing Jess and surely you can believe what you choose but my goal was not to tease nor raise a nickel from my article. I have known about this for a while….what I did not want people to say was how come you (me) knew about it but did not even let us know when it was coming or where to find it. I will post it again tomorrow.
Mine is not to compare what any other organization has done…..mine was to share what I believe as a dad of two kids with diabetes, and someone who is part of the DRIF family.
My position was to explain today what I feel as everyone who goes to the website tomorrow will see for themselves and I did not want to answer emails one-at-a-time tomorrow. Now people know what I feel, what I think. And tomorrow they will know also.
There is work to be done, it is not something that will happen next year or the year after and no one is saying it is. It is a concept that is very doable and there are FAQs on the site and Dr. Ricordi will be live in the very near future to address it. All of that said, I have been at this for a very, VERY long time……I. DO. NOT. GET. EXCITED………this is exciting. No ones hope is raised more than mine…..(as much—yes, but not more).
It is my firm belief that the hopes will not be dashed this time—–I believe that with all my heart and soul or I never would have written what I did. Period.

i understand what you are saying… But I still think you could have waited until tomorrow to say anything about it, and instead of ‘teasing us with knowledge you cannot share, you could have posted your thoughts and a link yo the article… Not to be rude but your post is basically saying “I know something you don’t know! And it’s so cool and amazing and might change your life forever…. But you have to wait until tomorrow!” no harm would have come from making this post tomorrow, and then we could see for ourselves instead of taking your word for it.

AT CWD there are a lot of parnts who arnt happy with they way you did this..

My concern was making sure the online community was made aware; in actuality, the number of responses of thanks from people I have heard make me realize that this was handled in the manner, sensitive and informative, as I had hoped. I have to deal with a community at large and if people want to chat about that and not come to me directly for an explanation, I must leave that to them to decide what they feel. Literally hundreds of ‘thank yous’ for the information to be forthcoming were sent to me today. I’m not attempting to justify my actions, I respect those at CWD chat and clearly some may disagree with how I handled this; but it was not without much input from many people I respect from the online community and internally that I came to the decision.

It is my blog and ultimately what happens falls on my shoulders. I went back to the very reason I started this; to inform and begin a dialogue.

Please do not state what you think my blog is saying, because as you stated it, you could not be more wrong. It was not how it was meant nor intended. It is not how I operate and those who know me know that to be true. And those who don’t know me merely have to ask what I meant by anything I write and I will gladly explain. If you think I should have waited until tomorrow, I fully respect your opinion although I disagree with you. Please respect me for how I, after much discussion with many people I know and trust, decided to handle it ……..and truly feel free to disagree. 😉

Thank you! Thank you for the glimmer of hope that you have given to each and everyone of us who live with this disease in one way or another. I look forward to reading what DRI has to say in the morning.

My daughter will be 5 on 3/9, she’s been fighting like a champ for over 3 years. Her 3 feel like eons compared to my 38. What I would give to tell her there is an end in sight.

I’m in the uk. It’s 23:10 hours now.
I have been shaking all evening since reading this news. I’ve been in tears and even sick. I never thiught id react this way to news like this! This is the first time I have felt hope. I don’t think I’ll sleep now whilst I wait for this news release.

All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you.

Tomorrow is my 15 year old son’s 1 year anniversary of his dx. To say that life has changed in the past year would be the biggest understatement ever, as you all well know. Your post gave me goosebumps. I can’t wait to read all about it tomorrow. I am ever hopeful and grateful that my son is living successfully with diabetes. And praying that one day he won’t have to!

Sandi that hope and thought drives me every minute of every day. I have said it a thousand times, I will get a break when they do, not one secod before. Let’s hope that it is only a few years away.

I’m a fairly new T1 momma. My baby boy was diagnosed on January 5th 2013 at the age of 7 months. I’ve been praying for a cure or anything to ease his pain. I hope this is the answer I’ve been praying for as I know every T1 parent has!! Fingers and toes crossed!!

Mandy—I am so sorry that ‘your new normal’ has joined you with us. Keep one foot on the dock—heck, keep both feet on the dock—-read tomorrow, absorb, and ask a million questions. We are all in this together.

Dear Tom

Thank you for sharing with us. I am beside myself with hope. I am in the UK as well and I think I will get very little sleep. Please please let this be good!! My son and I have said some very special prayers for you guys tonight.

Hi Tom

Well I have seen the news and I am excited. I watched a TV programme recently called “The Bionic Man”, I am not sure if you are aware of it as it was a UK production. You can search online for it, I believe it was on Channel 4. There was a fleeting glimpse of a “Bionic Pancreas” and those 30 seconds were amazing because I felt then that was the way forward.

It is AMAZING news! There is a tendency here for parents to go “yeah yeah” to the “science bit” and just ask When? or How? and bypass the amazing leap that this clearly is – so I imagine that is the kind of feed back you will get from a lot of people. I am guessing people are wishing that they hadn’t heard about it yet, because that think it may never happen or may take ages, and that you just came to them and said “it’s here now and it works” – but not me. I believe in this, I see the end in sight, whether it takes a year, five years, ten years hell even 20 years – it’s coming and that’s all I need.

My fundraising efforts are now focused on you. If you need help, I will help – please let me know. I am counting on you!

Lots of love from Kate
Mum to Joseph 5, dx 09.10.09 aged 2 xxxx

In 1985 my 8 week old son got his first childhood immunizations, and within 24 hours he coded once, was given a 5% chance of survival, there was no protocol for DKA back then for any child so young, he was the youngest onset survivor in 1985. He’s been a trail blazer in so many ways. I hope all of the trials, investigational studies , etc. that we have participated in have in someway contributed to this next step. To jump from treatment to cure is the “miracle” we hope for, but we need to realize every step forward gives hope and improves quality of life. Enjoy the anticipation, but do not be disappointed in the gift.

Thank you ‘Nick’s mom’…..everything in the journey contributes to the next step. Every dime given to an organization helps all the boats rise together. We are all in this together. It matters not how we get to the finish line, it only matters that we all worked to get there. I LOVE trailblazers…..your son sounds like my kind of guy. Let’s cross this finish line together.

After 24 years of waiting, keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a possible end in sight. Or at least a huge step closer to an end in sight.

Article is up. Very disappointed. Sad even. Absolutely seems like a fundraising ploy and I am unsubsuscribing to ddad bc you lead us to believe something great was happening now. I don’t needs false hope in our life. We need a cure, not this garbage.

So sorry you feel this way Michelle….not quite sure what you read that you did not like but I ask this question; What other news have you read that shows this much promise? Please share. I have not seen anything like this in 20 years. What has more promise than this, the biohub. You say it is sad and dissappointed…I have always been an open book and seek your input. There is work indeed to do, and no one said otherwise. So again I ask you to share.

I’m with Michelle on this! You gave us some false hope and it turned out to be a fundraising effort!!! I cried all day yesterday after reading this in hopes of some current breakthrough only to find that they are asking for money and still have many hoops to jump before it is a reality. Frankly, I’m pissed, disappointed, and find your post mean and misleading in that it offered such false hope. You could have been more clear that it is a fundraising effort in my opinion.

Perhaps you should go and see DRI first hand as we did the year after our son was diagnosed. After witnessing the encapsulation process and talking with top research Doctors, our family was provided with a great deal of HOPE thanks to DRI. We will continue to support their tremendous efforts and realize that a CURE is only possible through private funding! This is NOT a fundraising ploy but for those that choose not to donate should NOT expect to be at the front of the line when DRI makes the major breakthrough and CURES DIABETES!

Keep up the great work DRI … we support your efforts and appreciate your commitment and dedication!

This is honestly sad. Tom NEVER said the news was about a cure. He said it was news we all have been waiting for. There is NO need to be rude or mean about it. If it does turn out to reverse diabetes, well then I would call that a cure, especially after doing what i do for over 30 years. There is no need for this rudeness. When I was diagnosed I was told then “a cure is right around the corner”. Well it must have been the biggest corner in creation. This is the best news I have heard in over 30 years. So be happy, because when I started, there weren’t even blood testing strips. Lets just say there were tablets and glass tubes all around the house, because that is all there was. Enjoy the learning, enjoy the advancements. Because it can always be worse!

This device is not coming anytime soon- they are still looking for body placement evidently. It is a hope for the future and I am greatly looking forward to it as everyone else. I just wish this was stated as “huge progress for sometime in the future” in the blog post. It was presented as current in my opinion. That was my gripe- not the research obviously, but that it was written to offer false IMMEDIATE hope when it is not.

This is honestly sad. Tom NEVER said the news was about a cure. He said it was news we all have been waiting for. There is NO need to be rude or mean about it. If it does turn out to reverse diabetes, well then I would call that a cure, especially after doing what i do for over 30 years. There is no need for this rudeness. When I was diagnosed I was told then “a cure is right around the corner”. Well it must have been the biggest corner in creation. This is the best news I have heard in over 30 years. So be happy, because when I started, there weren’t even blood testing strips. Lets just say there were tablets and glass tubes all around the house, because that is all there was. Enjoy the learning, enjoy the advancements. Because it can always be worse!

My beautiful daughter was diagnosed when she was 4. She is now 19, happy, and in college. I will never forget that day. How scared my wife and me were because we didn’t know anything. However, with time, I our lives “adjusted” to our new life. I prayed myself to sleep for a cure countless times and now, it could be right around the corner. I also was diagnosed years later from my daughter. I believe things happen for a reason( to help my daughter because now I know her struggles). Our lives are very rich, but a cure..Wow! Very exciting!

I’m sorry- could you clarify what the “big news” was? I watched the video and saw nothing but some “ideas”… nothing conclusive. They they asked for money. I support them financially, but WOW! I found your post extremely misleading. I just wanted to ask you to clarify in case I misunderstood something.

I have a 7 year old son who is a week away from his 3-year Type 1 anniversary, who handles it better than I. I am so excited for the work DRI is doing! I’m just a little confused as to what exactly the “breakthrough” was…

Dear Tom, I’m sure that you will find someone praying for a quick cure for diabetes in each road at any country you would name! For me in Bahrain, after my 12 years old son was diagnosed 18 months back, I can say that my life has changed. All I want now is to see him back in good health no matter how much would it cost! I read your article last night as I was browsing the net for latest cure updates from my iphone – as every night. I can tell you that I could not sleep that night waiting for my wife to wake up and give her the news. I have read your article 4 times so far and each time I do, my eyes start shedding tears. Tom, if there is one thing I would beg you for is to keep us updated with each and single step Biohub makes. Thank you for the hope you gave and for making my son leave home to school today with a big smile on his handsome face!

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