
Our Fragile Homes…….PLEASE Take the Time to Enjoy. A Moment Can Change Everything!!!

home sweet homeBeing on the road as much as I am; I always enjoy the first morning I am back home.  As I poured my coffee this morning I thought to myself, “Ahhhh, this is nice.”  I love the amount of energy I put in which truly is nonstop.  To make a difference in the lives of people with diabetes and to constantly be on the look-out for when this will end forever is all part of making a day, week, month, and so on go ver, very quickly.  I do love it.

But there is always that ‘something’ when you are standing in your own kitchen pouring a cup of coffee. 


I wonder if our kids feel like that feeling as they venture out into the world whether it be for just a day or for weeks/months at a time.  DO they come home and feel that same relaxation?  Do they feel safe?  DO they feel that ‘it’s great to be back home’ feeling?

And those who move out; do they feel strange returning to the place they have nestled; and walking up the steps knowing they no longer live in the world that made them so comfortable; what do they feel?

There is something to be said in the amount of work given into a building.  The laughter, the love, the gatherings, the traditions, and yes even all of the ‘not-so-good’ occurrences we all experienced all make up that sense of home.  But it is also as if that solid home sits on a tree branch that could break at any given time.  We need to take the time to appreciate it; NOW.

It is not a size or a style or anything more than who is inside.

Many people we know have taken major ‘hits’ to this family structure; to this home.  Take the time to enjoy it.  Take the time to realize how fortunate you are because in an instant; it can be changed for life.  Look around you—–oh yes we are dealing through life, that DOES happen, and it CAN BE tough.  But know that those who have left us would want all of us to keep living with what WE DO have.

This became so real for me when I recently picked up the phone to call someone to share a story that SO REMINDED me of them.  Just as I reached I also realized they are no longer with us.  Anyone else ever do that?  At first I felt sad, but as I thought about it (staring at the phone thinking ‘how dumb was that move?’) I began to smile because it was almost as if ‘that action’ was the very same person reminding me that I should look around and be grateful for WHO is here and WHAT is here.

Take a look around….be grateful…do not wait until something impacts your household….fully believe and enjoy the fact that there is no place…… home.

I am a  diabetes dad. 

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


3 replies on “Our Fragile Homes…….PLEASE Take the Time to Enjoy. A Moment Can Change Everything!!!”

Tom, I still feel this way about my parents house!! I don’t, however, feel that way about the house I live in now because I HATE where we live and the house we live in. I just don’t feel at “home” in this community. I KNOW where I feel “at home” and will get there again because that feeling is better than any other feeling. Your description of pouring that cup of coffee is spot on! I so want that feeling again! Thanks for letting me remember what it feels like to sit in my parents house, though….

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