
Let’s Ask Some Companies to Fund Diabetes Research….Ready?????

we need moreHow important is being deaf to you?  How important is the plight of those with down’s syndrome?  How important is the world of autism getting their fair share of philanthropic funds important to you?

If I could tell you how many times people have said to me; “you need to get to XYZ company and have them raise funds for the DRI.”  It is not as simple as it sounds.  The Foundation Center states there are over 1.5 million nonprofit agencies in the United States.

That means that there are more nonprofits than the total population of Hawaii, Maine, Montana and eight other states.  Think about that; when you ask someone for a donation it very well could mean that there is an entire population of the state of Montana on the same line asking for a donation.  A little daunting isn’t it?

There is also a list of sports players who played deaf and a list of celebrities who have down’s syndrome.  Each cause has many facts and interesting factoids about their cause to gain the attention of the public.

No one does anything (or rarely) without a connection.  People always ask me, how can I help; what can I do?  I answer many times, “who do you know that may be involved with retail store or any large company in upper management?”

The answer is simple, with so many people asking for money for GREAT causes, companies will choose the ones who have an immediate connection to their own company before looking elsewhere.  The ask is really that simple.  They may say no, but getting to them via a connection—-that’s the easy part.

So if you have a brother, sister, dad, mom, or any other relative that fits the profile above, drop me a line at   If diabetes is an important issue with you, think a little bit and let me know.  Companies will give, they just need to know the personal connection.
I will gladly work with you.

Let’s raise money for a cure today…..who do you know?  Let’s get diabetes a position at the front of the line…..the first step is figuring out what/who to ask, let’s do that together.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


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