
JUST IN: Gary Scheiner, MS, CDE….AADE’s Diabetes Educator of The Year

Gary ScheinerIntegrated Diabetes Services FB page just announced that Gary Schneier just received a call from the American Association of Diabetes Educators’ VP of Community Affairs and informed him that he is the AADE’s choice for Diabetes Educator of the Year.

Gary is to be congratulated for his herculean and untiring efforts on educating those, like himself, who live with type 1 diabetes everyday.  He is the perfect choice for this honor and please join me in letting Gary know how much we appreciate his work.

The CWD FFL Faculty page states:
Gary Scheiner is a Certified Diabetes Educator and Exercise Physiologist who has had type 1 diabetes for more than 25 years. He owns and operates Integrated Diabetes Services, a private practice located just outside of Philadelphia specializing in intensive insulin therapy for children and adults with type 1 diabetes. He and his staff of diabetes educators provide consultations throughout the world via phone and internet. Gary earned a BA from Washington University in St. Louis, and a Master of Science from Benedictine University. He received his diabetes training with the Joslin Diabetes Center. In addition to serving on the Children With Diabetes faculty, Gary is an active volunteer for the ADA, JDRF and Setebaid Diabetes Camps. Gary has written five books (including “Think Like A Pancreas”) and dozens of articles on various topics in intensive diabetes management. He has received several awards for his teaching tools and techniques, and speaks regularly at regional, national and international conferences. A husband, father of five and avid sports fan, Gary has been a pump user since 1994, and a CGM user since 2006.

AND NOW he can add AADE Educator of the Year.

Congratulations Gary—you soooooooooooo deserve it.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’

5 replies on “JUST IN: Gary Scheiner, MS, CDE….AADE’s Diabetes Educator of The Year”

Congratulations Gary, a well deserved award. We over the pond love having you visit at FFL and can see why you have been honoured with this.

Congratulations Gary!! Couldn’t think of anyone more deserving, your are truly my Guru.

Some men (and women) are born great, some gain greatness, others have greatness thrust upon them: dear Gary has achieved all three! I am so proud for this choice!

Congratulations Gary, thanks to you Ashley has been pumping for 15 years now and continues to have good control 🙂

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