
Why I LOVE Scott Johnson. Read this…….You Will Too.

Scott JohnsonWhy should I write about Scott Johnson?

Because sometimes someone comes along and we just must; to remind us how REAL people; can also be the most incredibly fascinating and inspirational.

As we go through the world of people who claim the limelight of climbing Mount Everest, or playing football for the Chicago Bears, or running 42 million miles-swimming around the world twice-and taking a bicycle ride from Florida to Canada, and we become amazed at these incredible feats of accomplishment………well…….so many are just not able to accomplish those tasks.

Now take a look at this video that Scott created as he applied for Athletic Achievement Award – and need lots of views to win! Watch & share

I sure hope Scott wins this award because he deserves it.  In plain English; Scott is everyman.  He is every one that tries; he is everyone that lives life EVERY day, he is everyone who believes that ‘diabetes just will not do’ in his life.

He is a family man.  He is a man of principle.  He is someone who demands respect by the very nature of how he lives life every day.  He shares in his blog; Scottsdiabetes, what it is like to live day-by-day with diabetes; he has helped tens of thousands of people.  read his writings and you will see what so many already know.

He writes; “Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in April of 1980, I recognize the incredible mental struggle of living with diabetes.” As they say, Scott just gets it, because he lives it.

So do whatever it takes for Scott’s video to be seen.  Share this everywhere you can.  Every now and again someone comes along that we just ‘pull for’ to end up on top. 

Because at the end of the day, if many of those ‘more famous’ athletes actually knew Scott Johnson the way we know Scott Johnson;  they could only wish to match him in what he has meant to the tens of thousands he helps………just by being Scott Johnson.  That is the peak of a mountain few will ever match. 

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

3 replies on “Why I LOVE Scott Johnson. Read this…….You Will Too.”

Thank you, Tom. I am humbled by your very kind words.

Can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate this. Thank you for helping me spread a message that I hope will empower and inspire people with diabetes to keep trying – whatever the goal!

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