
Why Are These People So Special? This Year’s Lisa Award Winners……Share.

Click here and read why these people ARE SO SPECIAL.  Also leave a  congratulations message by hitting reply–let them know what they mean to you! Also share with others—-these are remarkable people who all make a difference.  The power of one. I am a diabetes dad. Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.


Why I LOVE Scott Johnson. Read this…….You Will Too.

Why should I write about Scott Johnson? Because sometimes someone comes along and we just must; to remind us how REAL people; can also be the most incredibly fascinating and inspirational. As we go through the world of people who claim the limelight of climbing Mount Everest, or playing football for the Chicago Bears, or […]


WOW!!!! J&J’s Animas Submits for US FDA Approval for the Vibe—reports Two Top DA’s

Two very popular members of the Diabetes Advocates are reporting news that many of us have been waiting for some time to hear…… two years. I just read about the fact that the folks from J&J’s Animas have finally submitted for the FDA approval process here in the USA from Bennet Dunlap, a huge follower and ‘sharer’ […]