
There’s Hot….and There’s Diabetes Hot……..Be Prepared This Summer

boiling sunSummer.

Well here it comes fast and furious.  Blockbuster movies, warmer weather, HOT weather, graduating seniors, beach trips, summer trips, and…………diabetes.

Those of us with experience know the many pitfalls surrounding heat and the havoc it can play on blood glucose numbers and diabetes.  There is hot, and there is ‘diabetes hot’.

Both hot weather and high blood sugar can cause dehydration—and they will play off each other constantly; so keep those fluids around in plentiful and keep them flowing.

Wear foot wear AT ALL TIMES, sometimes those ‘nick-cuts’ can turn into something so much more.

Workouts should be where there is air conditioning; and outside work and work-outs should be toward the cooler parts of the days in the early morning or in the evening.

Watch your insulin and the extreme heat which impacts its potency. Never store insulin in the freezer, in direct sunlight, in the car or the car’s glove compartment.  Also know that with the heat comes humidity which can impact glucose strips and meters

Pump users–sweat, extra sweat?????–not a good friend to pump wearers. Various preparations for the skin might help but keep an eye on the adhesive.  Also–buying one of those cold-gel-packs and placing your pump in pump pack alongside of it might help (this is only a problem rarely but if concerned, this is a possible solution.

Know that heated insulin should always be watched to make sure the potency is not weakened; if constant highs are ‘creeping in’ it may be time to change your insulin; speak to your medical professional for specific warning signs.

You will be more active in the summer time which could also alter your absorption rate–again check with your medical professional but know this fact from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist: Hypoglycemia episodes and hospital emergency visits can rise by 30% in heat waves and summertime….so be alert.

With the summer months comes hurricane season; make sure you have an emergency kit ready to go, with everything you need to last you a good 2-3 weeks; just in case.

These are just a few things to keep an eye on for the summer.  It is such a GREAT TIME of the year which should be enjoyed to the maximum.  So take a few steps now and prepare and be ready.

PLEASE FEEL FREE to add and share any summer tidbits you have…..we can all learn.

Enjoy the sunshine.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

4 replies on “There’s Hot….and There’s Diabetes Hot……..Be Prepared This Summer”

You touched on it with absorption rates, but I think the bigger issue is the change in insulin needs. I think the majority of T1s need less insulin ths time of year. This could be increased activity or summer break from school. I think for some school &/ or work are stressors that increase insulin needs. They are for me & my dd ( both T1).

We use Skin-Tac liquid adhesive to give sites a little more strength in the summer. Helps a lot if your kids are swimmers. I still haven’t been able to master going to the beach without my my son and daughter both having sites trashed from the sand by the time we leave. Would love any tips.

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