
When is the Last Time You Had Fun??????….We can Still Do that You Know!!

MormonWhat is that feeling when you feel for a moment, for an hour, or for a day everything is as it should be?

We spend a good deal of time beating diabetes down in our household and I believe we do a good job in trying to move our lives forward.  We are not blind.  We are not naive.  We know that at any given moment, everything and anything is on the table as to how diabetes impacts our lives.

But every now and again…….there is no work (which for me is usually diabetes 24/7; my choice and I love it), there are no episodes, and there is only family. 

A Sunday.

Anyone who knows me knows my love for the stage, TV, and movies.  Now being on the audience side watching, instead of the years I spent being the one performing,  I so appreciate my colleagues who are onstage but for one purpose; for the audience to go on a trip with them for two-and-a-half hours and leave life behind.

Yesterday, Sunday, we all went in and saw The Book of Mormon, which if you do not know, was created by the folks at South Park which translates to the fact that nothing is sacred and everything is fair game.  If you allow yourself to understand this point, you will enjoy the show because it offends everybody somewhere along the performance….and offends them big time. 

But once you know that it is a buck shot and not a single bullet of offense; you could laugh until your cheeks hurt.

But I realized as we were heading home that it was not just the show or dinner that we were treated to (to our angel who treated us to orchestra seats 8 rows from the stage and a wonderful dinner—-I say thank you) but it was having that opportunity to be with my family.

Please share when is the last time you had one of those days……just a really good day and why?

When you can get time for yourselves, and diabetes behaves (with much help from those who worked diligently to get it that way)—-it becomes a red carpet night.

And every now and again, we deserve that……..don’t we?

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

One reply on “When is the Last Time You Had Fun??????….We can Still Do that You Know!!”

Yesterday we went looking for loggerhead turtle nests, today we are going boating, every day to the beach and pool. We have fun everyday! I thank God for every minute of every day 🙂 Maybe I should be more serious, but good humor makes everything tolerable for our family! We laugh hard, play hard, work hard and cherish time!
Oh yeah – we do have diabetes with us – just a member that we take along whether we want to or not 🙂

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