
Magic is Not a Place or a Conference………It is Where YOU Find It.

Mickey Mouse shadowOh yes, Mickey and Minnie will be there.

Chances are that so will all of their friends be there as well.   So will Mickey’s friend, Coco, she is a monkey and she has diabetes.  So wo; American Idol Runner up Crystal Bowersox, Former Pittsburgh Steelers Lineman Kendal Simmons, Triathalete Jay Hewitt, and so many more.

So will over 3000 people who have, or have a family member with diabetes.  I leave for the airport shortly.  This is the Children with Diabetes Friends for LIfe Conference, THE buffet of diabetes education where the table is long and enough for everyone to fill themselves on so many topics pertaining to diabetes.

This is their 14th international conference and people come from everywhere to attend.  For those who could not afford, there are scholarships.  On of the most incredible sites is seeing hundreds of kids realizing, for just a few days, that they are not alone.  There are people, lots of people, just like them.

I have discussed this many times.  One woman, Laura Billetdeaux, wrote on a web page in 1999 that she wad going to Florida—if anyone wanted to meet there to let her know; this conference was born.

There is another woman who will be attending, her nane us Brandy Barnes,  SHE started Diabetes Sisters for women who have diabetes.  She started and she now has conferences around the country.

They deal with diabetes on a daily basis.  They are exhausted.  They have to battle this disease every day. 

So you see, anyone CAN make a difference who choose to make a difference.  Sailor Abel will be there too.  She is a young teen ager.  She lives with diabetes every day also and she chooses to control it.  Even if that choice is to do something to make your own life better, the choices are out there.

Making a difference, making magic, in this world does not have to be sky-writing; sometimes planting a tree is just as powerful.  What choice will you make today?

So in less than 6 hours from now I will have showered, dressed, left for the airport and landed in Orlando.  This conference is where I learned that I am not alone, we are not alone, and you are not alone.  Before on-line, before, DOC, and before readily available cell phones we found a place that gave us strength, hope, and the tools to continue.

My batteries will get recharged.  My hope will become renewed,  I will hear from people who are the experts…..too many to name.   Of course you do not have to be at a CWD FFL Conference to make that choice or make that decision that today it starts, whatever that starting point is going to be.

The choice is ours how we get to the finish line……I hope you find a way to choose and grab life with all it has to give beginning today because the other options are just not worthy of all you have to give.

Magic is not where you go, magic is where you find it.

Today….it begins again…..for all of us.  What choice will you make.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.



8 replies on “Magic is Not a Place or a Conference………It is Where YOU Find It.”

Maybe you should all remember too that magic is everywhere, not just in the conference attendees. There are plenty of people like me out here who aren’t able to get there scholarship or not. We work no less and suffer just as much as those of you spending time with the celebrities in the diabetes world. Don’t forget us!

Where can I get information regarding their scholarships? The conference sounds very interesting.

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