
A Young Lady, a School….and Exactly What it is Really Like to Win.

DancerI received this comment from a d-mom as a reply to today’s article.

While some of the other diabetes community was at FFL, we were in Orlando at the same time for a national dance competition.  I wasn’t sure we could make everything work out, with dance lessons, and competitions throughout the year, but they made it to nationals.  They didn’t win, but they did their best and had a great time.  We are lucky to have such a supportive dance studio, that has been a big help in helping out with managing her diabetes.  By the way, my T1 daughter is 9, and we about a month from her 5 year diaversary.

Heroes are everywhere and seen every day.  What an inspiration.  We agreed so much that we wanted to share your story with the world, but we needed to make a correction in a clarification.  You wrote:
They didn’t win, but they did their best and had…….

We know that you meant the competition but please let this school know; and let your daughter know—-they are not only winners……they define the word (and add you and all those in your family that helped make this happen mom).

Thanks Emily, for making our day and sharing the story of your daughter and her very incredible school.

I am a diabetes dad.

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One reply on “A Young Lady, a School….and Exactly What it is Really Like to Win.”

In response to Emily, whose daughter is a dancer:

I saw the recent post in response to your comment about being in Orlando for Nationals. Your daughter is beautiful! 🙂 My 11-year-old was diagnosed last summer and she’s also a dancer. She dances about 13 hours a week – and even more during competition season. I continue to be amazed at how she manages the long days of rehearsals and/or competitions. We’ve only had one issue… which was my worst fear. She got low (47) about 10 minutes before taking the stage. They had to skip her group, it interrupted the competition, and caused quite a scene. She was embarrassed, but we treated it and she was able to perform a while later. I was just thankful it didn’t happen while she was actually on stage. (Now that I think about it, THAT is my worst fear!)

If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from? I’d love for my daughter to meet a fellow T1 dancer. She feels pretty singled out a lot of time!

Continued good luck to her and her studio!

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