
Batman Ben: Let’s Hang Him in the Batcave Before He Even Sees a Script…..Seriously??????

Ben Affleck BatemanBen Affleck is the new Batman.

It was announced yesterday that Ben will play the cape crusader in the new Man of Steel Superman film.

And oh how the comments roared:
–way to destroy a franchise
–move over George Clooney .. you are not officially the worst Batman anymore !!!
–is this an April Fool’s Joke?
–Ben Affleck is cute, but he is not Batman

As someone who respects and loves the entertainment industry, I always smile at the reviews given by people before they ever see the person they are criticizing in the actual role.  If I have learned anything about this lightening fast and razor focused connection of the internet is that there are never a shortage of opinions.  

But I offer this, remember these-type comments:
–You’ve got to be kidding…
–this is totally bull. I do not at all like this choice
–Well hell while their at it why not cast Ben Stiller as the riddler, Julia Stiles or Rachael Leigh Cook as Poison Ivy, Paul Walker as two face, Matthew Lillard as Mr. Freez and Will Ferrell as Bane….

These were all said of Heath Ledger when it was announced that he would be cast as the Joker; which one him an Oscar.  And even if you are THAT cynical that you believe he only won the Oscar because he had passed away; there was just no denying what he added to the role.  He raised the bar of how the Joker character would be defined forever more.

Our initial thoughts are not always a ‘fair chance’, are they?  My take away here is a reminder how my friend Tara and I went to see (or should I say laugh) at a performance of Farah Fawcett in a theatrical production of Extremities years ago in New York City.  To say that we were not left with our mouths hanging wide open at the amount of torture this woman went through every night in this role would be a understatment.  Ms. Fawcett was nothing shy of brilliant.

It’s a quick reminder that because; we didn’t think about it first; it was not our idea; it sounds stupid; we would never DO THAT; I don’t agree with you-that-it-whatever; that perhaps we should take a step back and let whoever is doing something attempt it first before we shoot them out of the sky.  That goes for the diabetes world, the entertainment world, and life in general.

One’s opinion is nothing compared to another’s actions.  I admire those that do what no one attempted before; or attempts what no one thinks they can do.

Achievement is in the doing; no one ever wrote a book about someone who was going-to-do something.

Food for thought.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

One reply on “Batman Ben: Let’s Hang Him in the Batcave Before He Even Sees a Script…..Seriously??????”

I was wondering where you were going with that and, as always, you spun it into a great way to look at things.

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