
It’s Here. Take the Time to Enjoy What You Do.

school busSchool.

I just love seeing all of the pictures posted of kids at their first day fo school.  There is a ‘newness’ to it, isn’t there?

The year begins full of hope and we, as parents, are ever watchful to notice that indeed our children are growing up.  And that is a fabulous thing.

With our youngest now out of high school (yikes!) it is such a time to reflect of those little people jumping on the bus for their first day of school.  It seems so long ago that they all started.  Now I know that many people are full of anxiety because school and diabetes is sometimes a real life water-and-oil mixture but take the time to realize what is happening with your child.

I promise you that diabetes will be all around your child before and after the first day of school so why not take the time to just stop, watch, and realize just how great your child is doing.

Enjoy this time with pictures and signs and happiness.  Our kids are growing up.  And they are growing up healthy with their diabetes.  Take the time to realize that this ‘first day of school’, no matter what year your child is in, is happening because of you.

The sleepless nights, the shots, the badge of diabetes police worn proudly; stop for a moment and take in the fact that your child is growing up ‘just fine’ because of you.  NO ONE will, or can understand that, unless they are a parent.

And when you are a parent to a child with diabetes, every now and again, a moment comes along that YOU MUST stop and take notice of your wonderful, tired, sleepless nights, frustrating, and fearful efforts.  For us, it was always the first day of school.

So much so, that the night before they started school each year the family was treated to ice cream sundaes.  My dad did that for us when we were growing up.  That tradition will continue I am sure.

Sometimes ice cream sundaes are perfect to enjoy.  Just like the first day of school.  Congratulations parents; enjoy.

I am a diabetes dad.

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One reply on “It’s Here. Take the Time to Enjoy What You Do.”

Great advice Tom (again) – take the time to enjoy it all and savor every moment – the bus and first day of school thing will be gone before you know it!!!!

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