
It’s Here. Take the Time to Enjoy What You Do.

School. I just love seeing all of the pictures posted of kids at their first day fo school.  There is a ‘newness’ to it, isn’t there? The year begins full of hope and we, as parents, are ever watchful to notice that indeed our children are growing up.  And that is a fabulous thing. With […]


PWDs….”There Came a Time in Your Life When…….”—–Please Share with Us.

Don’t you love kids?  I was thinking today how I remember when Kaitlyn was younger that her only goal was ‘to get back out there’ and be a kid. It was always like, ‘hurry–hurry–they’re waiting for me”…diabetes was a side note to her life.  I always wish, as parents, we could make diabetes a ‘side […]


It’s just a Wedding Gown…….Right?????………Sooooooo Nooooooo.

Annie is being revived again on Broadway.  That may be exciting to some but for me; well it is the second revival.  Three times on Broadway in my lifetime….where does the time go? My soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Joelle, came by last night, with my daughter.  She found her wedding gown.  Now you may not know this, but […]


Finding Nemo…..Could it Be About a Child with Diabetes?

Of course the initial answer would be no.  But if you watch Finding Nemo  again, now that I have asked the question, you might find a great deal of similarities between what we go through as parents and what Marlin (Dad) goes through with Nemo (his son). One could argue the point that every child and […]


ME: B….B…B…But YOU can’t Do That, You have Diabetes.

I remember when Kaitlyn was first diagnosed and the only thing that interest me was finding a cure and making sure her daily management was taken care of in the correct manner. That changed. It changed because our kids are also kids.  Their goals in life need to be our goals in life.  Never forget […]