
A+ That Diabetes School Project…..PLEASE share!!!!!


It makes sense to think at some point our kids will be given the opportunity to share diabetes at school as part of a project.

Perhaps a classroom speech.

Perhaps a science project.

If you have not been faced with this decision, you very well may.  I recently read a story of a young man, the brother of someone with diabetes, who lived a whole week as his little sister with diabetes.

He would even prick his finger to take blood checks and when it came time to take shots he pricked his finger again just to feel the prick (obviously he didn’t take actual shots).  He would write everything down and state how much insulin he would ‘take’ when needed.

He would log in all foods he would eat; he would write his blood glucose numbers town after each check, and he even arranged a meeting with his sister’s doctor to discuss ‘his’ diabetes.  His mom told me that he treated his sister much differently after he walked a week ‘in her shoes’.

I find that amazing as much as I do wonderful.

Please share the stories of what are/were some of the things you did when you were young, or what your kids have done over the years.  I bet there are some pretty good projects that can be shared.   How did the classmates react?  You will truly help others that are looking to do something, but do not know what to do.  Kindly enlighten us all.

It is not easy to stand in front of a classroom and share your life.  Many have, and they should be recognized.  Our children mature faster than others.  They are asked to ‘grow-up’ and be responsible long before they should be asked to do so.  And they respond well.

So please share…….what was that school project?

A+ indeed.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

3 replies on “A+ That Diabetes School Project…..PLEASE share!!!!!”

My son was dx at 5 yrs old just after starting Kindergarten. In First Grade he did his whole science project around D, testing himself, a T2 and a non-D for effects of different foods on blood sugar. He worked really hard, and got first place in his grade. Went on to District and won a special award.
He was so proud of that!

My son, now 16 was DX at 9 yrs old. When he was 11 he wrote his speech on living with diabetes. He shared what he had to do to stay healthy living with diabetes but the focus was that it didn’t stop him. He wrote how he has to plan more than other kids but he can do everything they can. He ended it by saying, “I may have Diabetes but Diabetes doesn’t have me!”
He won first place!! A proud moment for sure! A few tears in the audience as well!

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