
Many of Us Have Become our Parents……YIKES!

mid lifeA good friend of mine lost their dad today.  It was, and is, sad.  This seems to be happening a lot lately and it’s the cycle of life that now christens us to the fact that we have now become our parents.

If you are in your thirties or early forties, you probably have not experienced this phenomena yet……..but as sure as the sun rises; you will.

The events that take place where you know, the old folks gathered in the corner; well many of us have become that group.  I find myself saying, ‘Wow, were my parents that age when this happened…or that happened?” 

Once you pass that mid-age threshold, and at age 55 I have, we realize that we have entered much of how our parents were……back when.   If that depresses you, well it shouldn’t.  I have always ‘loved-where-I-am-at” during my life and if I cannot change anything anyway, I might as well enjoy where I am today.

There are many people with t1d out there who are now adults, many with children.  I am curious to know what goes through your mind about your childhood now that you are older.  Many of you are also part of the Diabetes Online Community; if you have written about it, please share the link.

I, for one, would be curious for the insight of our kids with diabetes as to what kind of impact we ‘diabetes police’ had on their lives as they grew up with diabetes.  I think others would want to read about it as well.

The cycle of life is a wonderful journey, I am by no means ready to say I am anywhere near ending it anytime soon.  There is no time like the present to learn something else so please share your thoughts.

I am a diabetes dad.

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