
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #4 for Diabetes Awareness Month—–She Truly Must Never, Ever Sleep.

kerrisparling…..and the answer is, who is Kerri Sparling.

Kerri telling the story when, as a child, she was informed of now having diabetes; “…..but I do remember being told it (diabetes) was forever and at that point in time forever was a huge concept for a small kid……forever that means until Christmas; right?……no, forever is like every Christmas……”  It is this kind of honest and sharing of her heart that makes Kerri Sparling a gem of gems in the diabetes community–both online and off.

I never have to read a book, or a collection of passages, to ever motivate myself to try to do more; I only need to take a look at what Kerri is doing.  I have never met anyone that seems to be everywhere in this world of diabetes as Kerri Sparling.  Add to this the title of mom and wife; makes everything she does even more amazing.   By her very existence as a diabetes advocate, she will humble a person to their knees with her constant outreach into the diabetes community.  She is not tireless….she defines it.

Many know her blog Six Until Me (and go there now to see her incredible Hope vs. Fear:The Video Edition), but it is everything from sharing both what she knows and her own personal life living as a person with T1D at large conferences; to the taking of a phone call to help someone in trouble; that makes this one of the most impactful women that I know in this battle.  She is as straight-a-shooter as they come, and she understands this DOC well enough to know how to help at almost any turn. 

You may already know her, but if you don’t, you will serve yourself well by doing so.

For Diabetes Awareness Month:

This month, I will be highlighting someone in the diabetes community.  They may be people you know, or might not know, but they give of themselves to make this world, our world, with diabetes a special place.   I will not get to everyone this month, but it is my hope that perhaps you can be introduced to some of those you may not know.

I’m certainly not the definitive on who should be included….you are.  If you think I should include someone, shoot me an email at and I will do what I can to include that person as well.  Welcome to diabetes awareness month.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.



5 replies on “Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #4 for Diabetes Awareness Month—–She Truly Must Never, Ever Sleep.”

When I googled type 1 diabetes in 2011, just days after my son’s diagnosis, I somehow landed on Kerri’s blog, and I still happily read it today. She has such an incredible attitude and I know she has helped me be a better D parent. 🙂

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