
An Incredible 8th Grader+Kerri Sparling+Sir Frederick Banting=WOW!

I Have always found that the most incredible things happen right in our own back yard.  The portrait above was made by 8th grader, Talia.  Diagnosed in 2009, Talia has always been grateful to Sir Frederick Banting for his discovery of insulin. Her admiration of his work is why she drew the picture of him…..but […]


Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #4 for Diabetes Awareness Month—–She Truly Must Never, Ever Sleep.

…..and the answer is, who is Kerri Sparling. Kerri telling the story when, as a child, she was informed of now having diabetes; “…..but I do remember being told it (diabetes) was forever and at that point in time forever was a huge concept for a small kid……forever that means until Christmas; right?……no, forever is like […]