
“Where Do I Begin”…….a Small Step Can Start a Race.

footprintsFor this month of diabetes awareness, I have been highlighting various individuals who were not satisfied with the norm.  What they had…..was not good enough; so they changed it.  They took a step forward to ‘do something’.

I am asked many times how to get started.  How to get involved.  How to “Not do nothing”.  The truth; there is no easy answer.  People’s time is always a precious aspect of their lives and it takes a lot to give it up.  The stress of having a child with diabetes (or two, or three) is, in itself, a full-time job,  So how does one ‘find time’ to do anything else.

I have learned that every person has to ask themselves that question…..and answer it.  When you do that and should you come to the conclusion that you have 20 minutes a week to help, find something that is important to you.  Something that will satisfy you by being involved.

Write a letter, volunteer, be part or run a fund-raiser.  But do something that you know will be something that your mind will be engaged enough to keep your interest.  The answer will always be, if we as a diabetes community, do not do it… one else will.

No many times when I write this type column, I hear from people who get angry with me because their lives are stressful enough without the guilt of feeling they ‘have to do something’ when they JUST DO NOT have the time.  If this you, this column is not meant for you.  I do not know each person’s life.  If you can’t……you can’t; it’s just that simple..

But many just do not know where to start and my advice is; choose something you like to do or that you have knowledge about.  Go after something that you think needs to be changed or an organization or effort that could use your help.

Start small.  Every race begins with a step.

So if you are thinking, “How can I do something?”  and you have the time to give or the effort to give start by writing down what you would like to do and work backwards to give you an idea how you can get started.

Find others who also are working on an idea.  No idea is so new that others are not thinking about it and it is here where the Diabetes ONLINE community can really be helpful.  Ask. Ask Ask.

And good luck….together we can do almost anything….no part played is a part too small.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

3 replies on ““Where Do I Begin”…….a Small Step Can Start a Race.”

Great post – I cannot agree more. I always see people posting that they pray for a cure. Praying is not enough. We need funds to fund the scientist/research. When my daughter got diagnosed, I decided to support the DRI. I send them every 15 of each month a donation. Nothing large but something. Then I decided I wanted to do more. Now every year twice a year, I do a garage sale and all proceeds go to the DRI. That has been a huge success. Then I started to get involved with the walk. We have to do something.

It is all appreciated. And doing nothing is not an option!!!! Imagine if EVERYone did just what they could as you do…..every organization woul dbe doin much better. Thanks for wirting and for everything you do.

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