
Diabetes Jeopardy Answer #9 for D-Awareness Month—-His ‘Online Degree’ Could Save Your Life!!!

Gary Scheiner…..who is Gary Scheiner.

If there is anyone on earth who has taken personal experienced and turned it into an ‘online’ university for diabetes, it is Gary Scheiner’s Integrated Diabetes Services where anyone, anywhere can be taught a better diabetes management style linking into his site.   No more diabetes police hounding away (parents……that’s us) but solid and sure techniques to live a better diabetes life right in the privacy of where you sit..  Gary has perfected it to a razor-sharp approach which includes his ‘Think Like a Pancreas’ teaching style and it is no wonder the American Association of Diabetes Educators named him their 2014 Educator of the Year.

If you or a family member need help……look into Gary’s site.

His Bio from the CWD FFL Faculty Web page:
Gary Scheiner is a Certified Diabetes Educator and Exercise Physiologist who has had type 1 diabetes for more than 25 years. He owns and operates Integrated Diabetes Services, a private practice located just outside of Philadelphia specializing in intensive insulin therapy for children and adults with type 1 diabetes. He and his staff of diabetes educators provide consultations throughout the world via phone and internet. Gary earned a BA from Washington University in St. Louis, and a Master of Science from Benedictine University. He received his diabetes training with the Joslin Diabetes Center. In addition to serving on the Children With Diabetes faculty, Gary is an active volunteer for the ADA, JDRF and Setebaid Diabetes Camps. Gary has written five books (including “Think Like A Pancreas”) and dozens of articles on various topics in intensive diabetes management. He has received several awards for his teaching tools and techniques, and speaks regularly at regional, national and international conferences. A husband, father of five and avid sports fan, Gary has been a pump user since 1994, and a CGM user since 2006.

For Diabetes Awareness Month:
This month, I will be highlighting someone in the diabetes community.  They may be people you know, or might not know, but they give of themselves to make this world, our world, with diabetes a special place.   I will not get to everyone this month, but it is my hope that perhaps you can be introduced to some of those you may not know.

I’m certainly not the definitive on who should be included….you are.  If you think I should include someone, shoot me an email at and I will do what I can to include that person as well.  Welcome to diabetes awareness month.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

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