
A Town Named Chatham, An Incredible Event, Incredible People, and a Thank YOU. What is Your Favorite Event?

Curt Ritter w megaphoneIn my position with the DRI, and also in much of my volunteer work, I have the wonderful opportunity to witness first hand some incredible fund-raising events.  From Black Tie Galas with over a thousand people to a young lady selling lemonade to help find a cure.  Whether $1.00 is raised, or over a million dollars is raised; people giving their time always needs to be recognized and appreciated.

Amazing people doing amazing things.

On Thanksgiving Day morning I had the honor to address almost 600 people in Chatham NJ for their annual Turkey Trot.  Curt Ritter and his team organized a one mile fun run and a 5K timed race.  It was cold, but the warmth of all those involved made it exciting.  Curt does this for one reason, he has a child with diabetes.  A lot and I mean A LOT of work goes into implementing and organizing this type of event and it was done well by the many people Curt recruited to help.

What a way to start off a Thanksgiving Day Morning doing something to help find a cure for diabetes.  I had never been to Chatham New Jersey. It is like a neighborhood out of Norman Rockwell.  A beautiful community where people pass you in the street and say hello.  It was a fabulous day with the run moving smoothly through a residential neighborhood decorated for the holidays.

What events do you attend that you really like. please share why you like it so much?

Many of these events are run by volunteers and I enjoy meeting so many who do so much.  Nice job Curt and to you and all those in the beautiful town of Chatham, we say thank you for caring.

I am a diabetes dad.

Please visit my Diabetes Dad FB Page and hit ‘like’.

2 replies on “A Town Named Chatham, An Incredible Event, Incredible People, and a Thank YOU. What is Your Favorite Event?”

Ah Tom, my friend, another thought-provoking post. Thank you.

I have the privilege to work with JDRF UK’s Challenge Events Committee. My hat is doffed to the hundreds of runners, many stepping into a race for the first time, who take on the mighty London Marathon to raise money for JDRF. They inspire those of us who come out to support and cheer. They give their sweat and pain to those unforgiving streets, all in the hope for a brighter future for our children and those yet to be diagnosed.

But it’s the supporters, those cheer-leaders, banana-holders, sweet-dispensers, yellers, cajolers, hand-clappers and banner-wavers who I’d like to honour today. These guys stand, necks craned, calves screaming, eyes rolling in their heads as they try to pick out their loved ones from the Kaleidoscopic conga streaming past, for hour after hour. Their sole purpose is to spot that one person (in over 30,000) and send them the biggest, strongest, heartiest beam of love to send them on their way.

I’m humbled, every single time I see these acts of love along the roadside. So infectious is the goodwill brimming out of that crowd that we stay there, some of us nine hours into our stint at the supporter zone, until the bitter end. No longer caring who’s shirt you wear on what cause you run for, our voices shredded, all squeaky and hoarse, we scream at the last few, slogging themselves through mile 22, still 4 to go and nothing in the tank. If we get a smile, or a raised hand, or a walk that breaks into a jog, we celebrate like we’ve won the cup. Which, of course, we have.

Reaching out to people with unconditional love is what these events are all about. They remind us that the world is still a magical place, and there is so much good in it.

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