
I am NO FAN of Winter……But Not for the Reason you May Think!!!!!

Die winter dieFor the record…..I’m not a fan of winter.  On our wall in our den is a family photo where we all look like we were spending the weekend with my dear friend Moira, and her family, somewhere in ski country USA.  The picture looks like we are out of central casting for snow bunnies.  The truth is; on the day the photo was taken; out of the five of us, the only one who had the slightest pleasure skiing was Kaitlyn.

Rob and TJ traded in their skis to go tubing, and we watched from the warm insides of the beautiful lodge with those gorgeous roaring fires and a lot of hot chocolate. 

Nope;  Me + snow = disaster.  (+ skis = double disaster; albeit a lot of humor to watch).

I envy Moira’s writings of how she and her family are ‘whoooosihing’ down the slopes and having such a grand time.  I have another friend who also loves the snow and cold and her son will have a good shot for the Olympics someday as a down hill racer. 

Me? Nope; could not even stand on the things.

So in the last go round with mega snow and us digging out, my attention was drawn away from all of us working to dig out the cars and clean the area around our home, my thought was with/on our kids.

Sometimes I get so frustrated that almost every single thing we do, diabetes has to somehow be involved.  Shoveling snow……really?  Well, yes because you see shoveling snow is a workout and severe workout at that.  If you ever want to see blood sugar plummet downward at an amazing speed; just shovel snow.

So in addition to all of the work that has to be done to clear snow away, we also have to keep that ever watchful eye on our kids.

And it makes me angry—–snow and diabetes…..seriously?  Does everything have to include diabetes?  It does not deserve all the attention that it gets….does it?

I am a diabetes dad.

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