
A Newly Diagnosed Family Asks for Prayer………….What/How Do YOU Pray?

Prayer“I am a newly diagnosed parent and I can use your prayers.”

Sound  familiar?  The comments are usually many:
“Will be praying for you and your family.”
“Praying very hard for you.”
“Will do.”

When I have read this request, and I have indeed prayed; I have found myself at times thinking of one of the sermons I learned about growing up.  Jesus is on the mountain and he is preaching, and someone asks; “Teach us to pray”.

In turn, as I was taught, Jesus taught the ‘Our Father’ prayer to the crowd.

For a long tome it was not uncommon for me to think of the person who has made the request for prayers and as I begin, I think for a while, and I have no idea what to ask.  I eventually get myself to say something; but sometimes I found it hard.

Years ago I learned something very important for me because I do not like to do things, ‘just to do it’….I do it to have meaning.  I want it to be real for me.

I realized, for me, I was trying to pray for the wrong thing.  I have found it easier not to prayer for some magical mysterious intervention but rather I pray for two things; that the family realizes a peace in their lives as they move forward; and that they become educated and these two things are very connected.

I believe the number one aspect to live with diabetes in a household is education.  I mean a deep understanding of education that helps a family come to the realization that it is a most unfortunate occurrence when diabetes occurs; but that it does not become a crippling aspect to the lives where it now resides.  Sometimes that surely needs some help to be enlightened.

One’s life is not over.  One’s family is not ruined.  The whole world does not have to stay stopped.  My prayers are usually for the family to find the time to understand all aspects of this disease and that includes the knowledge that no matter what comes along; bad days happen.  It is no one’s fault.  They happen.  They happen in the beginning and they will happen 21 1/2 years after diagnosis.  They happen.

Knowledge is the ultimate equalizer in any family.  It will help you understand what is right for your child and what is wrong… matter what others tell you.  It will give you confidence.   If you feel like you are lost approaching the schools; find out as much information as you can; not just what you think you should be given but also about the individuals in the room.

If you want to know about a diabetes management device/tool, set out to learn all you can about how they work and why they work.  What are the differences?  How will it impact you and/or your child?

If you want a cure, find out what research is about and how it is measured and what can work and what will not work.

If your battle is with the insurance companies, know how they work as well as what you need to ask to learn what you need to learn.  Never just end a phone call, always end with, “Who do you suggest I speak to next about this?”

There are so many different aspects about this life called diabetes.  It is knowledge, true honest-to-goodness knowledge, that will give you the strength to move forward.  I honestly do not think we have done anything based on the premise, “I heard this-or-that from another person”, but rather it was the homework we did, the questions we asked, and the weighing-in on how it would impact our children that has allowed us to move forward.

It is knowledge that taught us, no matter what, this disease will not rule in this household.  We did not just ‘come to that point’ in our lives, it took a ton of work because someone else telling us was never good enough; to know….REALLY KNOW, one must learn it for themselves.

People can and will surely share with you what THEY KNOW but at the end-of-the-day it is what you learn that will give you the power to move forward.  Learn that just once and you will continue the drive for that thirst of knowledge every day because THAT power is second to nothing else.

It is this prayer that I continually pray for others and for ourselves.  The power of knowledge is the peace of your heart.  That is a prayer worth praying.


I am a diabetes dad.

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3 replies on “A Newly Diagnosed Family Asks for Prayer………….What/How Do YOU Pray?”

Fantastic and accurate article. I am a diabetes dad as well. My son Adam (6) was diagnosed on 1 September 2013 with type 1 and recently started the pump.

The way he has handled diabetes and himself has been inspirational to me. I have not been angry or upset or I don’t think I’ve even asked why him ?

I am not particularly religious but I am unbelievably thankful for my wife and two kids. My personal prayer would be thanks for the amazing family I have. I enjoy them every day (even the bad days).

I like the final line of the article “It is this prayer that I continually pray for others and for ourselves. The power of knowledge is the peace of your heart. That is a prayer worth praying.”

From the day Adam was diagnosed we have tried to become as knoweldgable as possible and almost instantly had peace in our family as Adam is Adam I wouldn’t have him any other way. Not sentimental mush that is a fact. I sometimes have to usher him along to eat an evening meal. One night he told me “I’m a slow eating, fast running, intelligent, diabetic karate kid ” I could never put it better myself !!! 🙂

I’m a Bible study teacher and long time church go-er – these are external things that may not mean anything – but people who know me see these in my life and expect me to have faith and to pray. They also know my experiences with my T1 husband and little girl. So, yes, I get asked to pray often – about diabetes and other life stuff. When my little girl was diagnosed, I wanted to pray for some type of miraculous healing, but that wasn’t what was in my heart – that wasn’t what “I felt led” to pray. So, like you, I prayed for comfort and peace. That helps me pray for others when asked. A little bit of the I’ve-walked-this-really-scary-sad-path, too. Sometimes, I think that’s what blogging is all about – I’ve-walked-this-really-scary-sad-path, too.

I am a T1 and our son was diagnosed at 3, now is 18. We also have been asked by many families to “help” and pray. I believe in God and prayer, but you also have to help yourself, because this disease doesn’t go away! The best thing to help any family with diabetes is knowledge and education. The knowledge that they are not alone, and education about the disease, and laws to help their child be treated equal! Thank you for your thoughts, and time you put into your blogs! It helps all families know they are not the only ones going through”this” and educates them too!

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