
Did You Ever Have a Dream More Real than Not Real?

Richard RubinDid you ever have a dream that was so real, you could touch it?  The conversation being so real that you think you actually had the conversation with the person in your dream?  My dream was just like that and even though it seemed impossible, my friend was right next to me.

Many things that happen or I go through, well truthfully; I keep to myself.  It seems I share a lot with you but there are truly personal things that need to stay out of my written articles.  Such is the case with a few things presently and the one person who I could always call, relay my feelings, and talk about so freely, whatever was on my mind; was the extraordinary Dr. Richard Rubin.

I know a few times over the past few weeks I would have picked up the phone; and perhaps he knew that and hence why my dream seemed so real.  Richard never said, “don’t worry it will be okay”; in our conversations.  He did say, “it will work out the way it should and you will be able to work your way through it”.

In my dream, he was running and was in shorts and a shirt; he told me “…….to keep on running.”  When I told him that everyone else in the race was far ahead of me and I could not even see them anymore to know what path to follow; he told me to just trust my heart.  “It does not matter where they are, it matters where you are.”

It just seemed so damn real.

In my dream I got lost, not once but twice and found my way back to the pathway and I finished the race.  When I got to the finish line he was waiting there applauding as so many of ‘us stragglers’ finished.  He looked at me with those warm eyes of his, said nothing, and nodded the way he did so many times that YOU JUST KNEW what he said was spot-on truth.

Richard has been gone just over a year and he still finds a way to teach me, even today.  I miss my friend, oh so deeply.

I am a diabetes dad.

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